



比如 s1 = "aabcc" s2 = "dbbca"

- 当 s3 = "aadbbcbcac",返回  true.

- 当 s3 = "aadbbbaccc", 返回 false.










matched[l1][l2] = s1[l1-1] == s3[l1+l2-1] && matched[l1-1][l2] || s2[l2 - 1] == s3[l1+l2-1] && matched[l1][l2-1]



public class Solution {
* Determine whether s3 is formed by interleaving of s1 and s2.
* @param s1, s2, s3: As description.
* @return: true or false.
public boolean isInterleave(String s1, String s2, String s3) {
// write your code here
if(s1.length() + s2.length() != s3.length())
return false;
// if(s1.equals("")&& s2.equals(s3))
// return true;
// if(s2.equals("")&&s1.equals(s3))
// return true;
boolean[][] matched= new boolean[s1.length()+1][s2.length()+1];
matched[0][0]= true;
for(int i1=1;i1<= s1.length(); i1++){
if(s3.charAt(i1-1) == s1.charAt(i1-1))
matched[i1][0] = true;
for(int i2= 1;i2<= s2.length();i2++){
if(s3.charAt(i2-1) == s2.charAt(i2-1))
matched[0][i2] = true;
for(int i1=1;i1<=s1.length(); i1++){
char c1 = s1.charAt(i1-1);
for(int i2 = 1;i2<= s2.length();i2++){
int i3 = i1+ i2;
char c2 = s2.charAt(i2- 1);
char c3 = s3.charAt(i3 -1);
if(c1 == c3)
matched[i1][i2] =matched[i1][i2] || matched[i1-1][i2];
if( c2== c3)
matched[i1][i2] = matched[i1][i2] || matched[i1][i2-1]; }
return matched[s1.length()][s2.length()];

Java Code


class Solution:
@params s1, s2, s3: Three strings as description.
@return: return True if s3 is formed by the interleaving of
s1 and s2 or False if not.
@hint: you can use [[True] * m for i in range (n)] to allocate a n*m matrix.
def isInterleave(self, s1, s2, s3):
# write your code here
len1 = len(s1)
len2 = len(s2)
len3 = len(s3)
if len1+len2 != len3:
return False
# len1 = 2
# len2 = 3
matched = [[False for i in range(len2+1)] for j in range(len1+1)] matched[0][0] = True
# print matched
for i in range(1,len1+1):
if s1[i-1]==s3[i-1]:
matched[i][0] = True
for i in range(1,len2+1):
if s2[i-1]==s3[i-1]:
matched[0][i] = True
for i1 in range(1,len1+1):
for i2 in range(1,len2+1):
i3 = i1 + i2
if s1[i1-1]==s3[i3-1]:
matched[i1][i2] = matched[i1][i2] or matched[i1-1][i2]
if s2[i2-1]==s3[i3-1]:
matched[i1][i2] = matched[i1][i2] or matched[i1][i2-1] return matched[len1][len2]

Python Code

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