import java.util.Scanner;

 public class Solution
     public static void main(String[] args)
         Scanner input = new Scanner(;

         System.out.print("Enter the number of students: ");
         int numberOfStudents = input.nextInt();

         System.out.print("Enter " + numberOfStudents + " scores: ");
         int[] score = new int[numberOfStudents];
         int best = 0;
         for(int i = 0 ; i < numberOfStudents; i++)
             score[i] = input.nextInt();
             if(score[i] >= best)
                 best = score[i];


         for(int i = 0 ; i < numberOfStudents; i++)
             System.out.println("Student " + i + " score is " + score[i] + " and grade is " + getGrade(score[i], best));

     public static char getGrade(int score, int max)
         if(score >= max - 10)
             return 'A';
         else if(score >= max - 20)
             return 'B';
         else if(score >= max - 30)
             return 'C';
         else if(score >= max - 40)
             return 'D';
             return 'F';


  1. HW6.30

    import java.util.Scanner; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner i ...

  2. HW6.29

    public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { int count = 0; int[] card = new int ...

  3. HW6.28

    import java.util.Scanner; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner i ...

  4. HW6.27

    import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Arrays; public class Solution { public static void main(S ...

  5. HW6.26

    import java.util.Scanner; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner i ...

  6. HW6.25

    import java.util.Scanner; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner i ...

  7. HW6.24

    public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { int count = 0; int color; int numbe ...

  8. HW6.23

    public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean[] box = new boolean[101]; f ...

  9. HW6.22

    import java.util.Arrays; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { int[][] ch ...

  10. HW6.21

    import java.util.Scanner; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner i ...


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