As with other JVM languages, Scala’s types are erased at compile time. This means that if you were to inspect the runtime type of some instance, you might not have access to all type information that the Scala compiler has available at compile time.
Manifest和TypeTag把这些类型信息从compile time 携带到 runtime.
A TypeTag[T] encapsulates the runtime type representation of some type T.所以,只要使用正确的TypeTag[T],就能在运行期获取T的类型信息。
scala> def max[T : Comparator] (a:T, b:T) = { … }
上面的类型参数声明 T : Comparator 就表示存在一个 Comparator[T]类型的隐式值。
TypeTag 在import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._路径下
class Foo{class Bar} 中的 foo1.bar1 和foo2.bar2, Manifest就会识别为同一类型。而TypeTag不会
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

def meth[A : TypeTag](xs: List[A]) = typeOf[A] match {
case t if t =:= typeOf[String] => "list of strings"
case t if t <:< typeOf[Foo] => "list of foos"} scala> meth(List("string"))
res67: String = list of strings scala> meth(List(new Foo))
res68: String = list of foos

There exist three different types of TypeTags:

  1. scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTag. A full type descriptor of a Scala type. For example, a TypeTag[List[String]] contains all type information, in this case, of typescala.List[String].

  2. scala.reflect.ClassTag. A partial type descriptor of a Scala type. For example, aClassTag[List[String]] contains only the erased class type information, in this case, of type scala.collection.immutable.ListClassTags provide access only to the runtime class of a type. Analogous to scala.reflect.ClassManifest.

  3. scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#WeakTypeTag. A type descriptor for abstract types (see corresponding subsection below).

1. 如何让编译器知道哪个类型参数需要生成TypeTag?显式地使用隐式参数,或者在声明泛型参数时使用context bound,这编译器自动生成隐式参数。
2. 如何在代码体中获取TypeTag? 当显式使用隐式参数时,可以直接使用这个隐式参数;当使用context bounds时,使用接受相关隐式参数的方法,比如typeOf。
  1. via the Methods typeTagclassTag, or weakTypeTag
  2. Using an Implicit Parameter of Type TypeTag[T]ClassTag[T], orWeakTypeTag[T]
  3. Using a Context bound of a Type Parameter

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