算法(Algorithms)第4版 练习 1.3.27 1.3.28
* return the value of the maximum key in the list
* @param list the linked list of Integer
* @return return the maximum key in the list
public static int max(LinkedList<Integer> list) { if(list.first == null)
return 0; int max = 0;
for(int val : list) {
if(val > max)
max = val;
} return max;
} //1.3.28
* return the value of the maximum key in the list by recursion
* @param list the linked list of Integer
* @return return the maximum key in the list
public static int maxByRecursion(LinkedList<Integer> list) { if(list.first == null)
return 0; int first = list.first.item;//first item
list.first = list.first.next;//remove first item in the list
int max = maxByRecursion(list);//calculate the maximum value of the new list if(first > max)
return first;
return max;
package com.qiusongde.linkedlist; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdIn;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut; public class Exercise1327 { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<Integer>(); while(!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
int val = StdIn.readInt();
StdOut.println("insertAtBeginning success: " + val);
} int max = LinkedList.max(list);
StdOut.println("The maximum key is:" + max); max = LinkedList.maxByRecursion(list);
StdOut.println("The maximum key is:" + max + "(By Recursion)");
} }
insertAtBeginning success: 10
insertAtBeginning success: 25
25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 30
30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 100
100 30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 51
51 100 30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 26
26 51 100 30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 69
69 26 51 100 30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 6
6 69 26 51 100 30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 32
32 6 69 26 51 100 30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 78
78 32 6 69 26 51 100 30 25 10
insertAtBeginning success: 90
90 78 32 6 69 26 51 100 30 25 10
The maximum key is:100
The maximum key is:100(By Recursion)
insertAtBeginning success: 90
insertAtBeginning success: 78
78 90
The maximum key is:90
The maximum key is:90(By Recursion)
insertAtBeginning success: 90
The maximum key is:90
The maximum key is:90(By Recursion)
The maximum key is:0
The maximum key is:0(By Recursion)
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