539 Minimum Time Difference 最小时间差
给定一个 24 小时制(小时:分钟)的时间列表,找出列表中任意两个时间的最小时间差并已分钟数表示。
示例 1:
输入: ["23:59","00:00"]
输出: 1
1.列表中时间数在 2~20000 之间。
2.每个时间取值在 00:00~23:59 之间。
class Solution {
int findMinDifference(vector<string>& timePoints)
int res = INT_MAX, n = timePoints.size(), diff = 0;
sort(timePoints.begin(), timePoints.end());
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
string t1 = timePoints[i], t2 = timePoints[(i + 1) % n];
int h1 = (t1[0] - '0') * 10 + t1[1] - '0';
int m1 = (t1[3] - '0') * 10 + t1[4] - '0';
int h2 = (t2[0] - '0') * 10 + t2[1] - '0';
int m2 = (t2[3] - '0') * 10 + t2[4] - '0';
diff = (h2 - h1) * 60 + (m2 - m1);
if (i == n - 1)
diff += 24 * 60;
res = min(res, diff);
return res;
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