


[root@athenadb2 ~]# fuser -help
Usage: fuser [ -a | -s | -c ] [ -n SPACE ] [ -SIGNAL ] [ -kimuv ] NAME...
[ - ] [ -n SPACE ] [ -SIGNAL ] [ -kimuv ] NAME...
fuser -l
fuser -V
Show which processes use the named files, sockets, or filesystems.

-a display unused files too
-c mounted FS
-f silently ignored (for POSIX compatibility)
-i ask before killing (ignored without -k)
-k kill processes accessing the named file
-l list available signal names
-m show all processes using the named filesystems
-n SPACE search in this name space (file, udp, or tcp)
-s silent operation
-SIGNAL send this signal instead of SIGKILL
-u display user IDs
-v verbose output
-V display version information
-4 search IPv4 sockets only
-6 search IPv6 sockets only
- reset options

udp/tcp names: [local_port][,[rmt_host][,[rmt_port]]]


fuser -km /mnt/mv--设备名称


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