
        The film focuses on the story of Grew and the bastard Bled. A variety of music accounted for a large proportion in the film.
        At the beginning of the movie, Grew failed to defeat the bad boy Bled and was swept aside by the new director.Grew then found himself having a twin brother Drew, and defeated Bled with Drew, recaptured the diamond and saved Hollywood.But in the end Drew chose to continue to be a bad guy, leaving Gru with Minions. But in the end Drew chose to continue to be a bad guy, leaving Grew with Minions.
        Minions  was tired of boring life and chose to leave the Grew, but finally defeated Bled with Grew.
        The Grew family is also the focus of the film, which focuses on the youngest daughter who waslooking for a unicorn, and eventually finding a lamb with horns.
        However, it is still weird to see the foreign cartoons in Chinese language.

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