动态规划,它的小规模问题是:当 word1  word2都比较小的时候,word1变成 word2需要的变化数。

设数组 record[i][j] 表示word1 从0到 i ,word2 从 0 到 j 的 word1 到 word2 需要经过几次变化。


record[i][j] = record[i-1][j-1]   if 'i'=='j'

record[i][j] = record[i-1][j-1] +1  replace                     if 'i'!='j'

                  record[i][j-1] +1     delete

                 record[i-1][j] +1      insert


初始化: record[0][j] = j

         record[i][0]  = i

class Solution {
int minDistance(string word1, string word2) {
//word1 is smaller
string temp;
temp = word1; word1 = word2; word2 = temp;
return word2.size();
if(word1 == word2)
return ; //find the max same bits
int maxSame = sameBits(word1,word2); return maxSame;
int sameBits(string &word1,string &word2)
vector<vector<int> > record;
for(int i = ; i<= word1.size();i++)
record[i].resize(word2.size()+); for(int i = ;i<=word1.size();i++)
record[i][] = i;
for(int j = ;j<=word2.size();j++)
record[][j] = j; for(int row = ;row<= word1.size();row++)
for(int col = ;col<=word2.size();col++)
if(word1[row-] == word2[col-])
record[row][col] = record[row-][col-];
int _min = min(record[row-][col],record[row][col-]);
record[row][col] = min(_min,record[row-][col-]) + ;
} return record[word1.size()][word2.size()];
int main()
class Solution mys;
string str1 = "distance";
string str2 = "springbok";

可以 const size_t lenword1 = word1.size()

      const size_t lenword2 = word2.size()

int  record[lenword1+1][lenword2+1];


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