CodeForcesdiv1:995C - Leaving the Bar(随机算法+贪心)
For a vector →v=(x,y)v→=(x,y), define |v|=√x2+y2|v|=x2+y2.
Allen had a bit too much to drink at the bar, which is at the origin. There are nn vectors →v1,→v2,⋯,→vnv1→,v2→,⋯,vn→. Allen will make nn moves. As Allen's sense of direction is impaired, during the ii-th move he will either move in the direction →vivi→ or −→vi−vi→. In other words, if his position is currently p=(x,y)p=(x,y), he will either move to p+→vip+vi→ or p−→vip−vi→.
Allen doesn't want to wander too far from home (which happens to also be the bar). You need to help him figure out a sequence of moves (a sequence of signs for the vectors) such that his final position pp satisfies |p|≤1.5⋅106|p|≤1.5⋅106 so that he can stay safe.
The first line contains a single integer nn (1≤n≤1051≤n≤105) — the number of moves.
Each of the following lines contains two space-separated integers xixi and yiyi, meaning that →vi=(xi,yi)vi→=(xi,yi). We have that |vi|≤106|vi|≤106 for all ii.
Output a single line containing nn integers c1,c2,⋯,cnc1,c2,⋯,cn, each of which is either 11 or −1−1. Your solution is correct if the value of p=∑ni=1ci→vip=∑i=1ncivi→, satisfies |p|≤1.5⋅106|p|≤1.5⋅106.
It can be shown that a solution always exists under the given constraints.
999999 0
0 999999
999999 0
1 1 -1
-824590 246031
-67761 603277
640586 -396671
46147 -122580
569609 -2112
400 914208
131792 309779
-850150 -486293
5272 721899
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1
所以我们贪心, 保证向量和离原点更近. 然后下面的代码AC了,然后又被FST了.是因为每次我贪心原则是一样的.最后的结果有可能大于1.5e6. 我们需要加一些随机性, 多次贪心,直到结果满足题意.(这里随机的作用就算多次贪心,直到满足)
证明:每三个向量abc中都能找到两个向量合起来 <= 1e6,然后不断合并,最后只会剩下一个或者两个向量。
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
const int maxn=;
const ll p=;
ll ans[maxn+],x[maxn+],y[maxn+];
ll X,Y,P;
int main()
int N,i,j; P=p*p;scanf("%d",&N);
if(X>=&&Y>=&&x[i]<=&&y[i]<=) X+=x[i],Y+=y[i],ans[i]=;
else if(X>=&&Y>=&&x[i]>=&&y[i]>=) X-=x[i],Y-=y[i],ans[i]=-;
else if(X<=&&Y<=&&x[i]<=&&y[i]<=) X-=x[i],Y-=y[i],ans[i]=-;
else if(X<=&&Y<=&&x[i]>=&&y[i]>=) X+=x[i],Y+=y[i],ans[i]=;
else if((X+x[i])*(X+x[i])+(Y+y[i])*(Y+y[i])<(X-x[i])*(X-x[i])+(Y-y[i])*(Y-y[i])) X+=x[i],Y+=y[i],ans[i]=;
else X-=x[i],Y-=y[i],ans[i]=-;
for(i=;i<=N;i++) printf("%d ",ans[i]);
return ;
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
const int maxn=;
const ll p=;
ll X,Y,P; int ans[maxn];
struct in{ ll x,y,id; }s[maxn];
int main()
int N,i,j; P=p*p;scanf("%d",&N);
scanf("%I64d%I64d",&s[i].x,&s[i].y); s[i].id=i;
random_shuffle(s+,s+N+); X=Y=;
if((X+s[i].x)*(X+s[i].x)+(Y+s[i].y)*(Y+s[i].y)>(X-s[i].x)*(X-s[i].x)+(Y-s[i].y)*(Y-s[i].y)) X-=s[i].x,Y-=s[i].y,ans[s[i].id]=-;
else X+=s[i].x,Y+=s[i].y,ans[s[i].id]=;
if(X*X+Y*Y<=P) {
for(i=;i<=N;i++) printf("%d ",ans[i]); return ;
return ;
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