文件I/O实践(2) --文件stat
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> int stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf); int fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf); int lstat(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
struct stat { dev_t st_dev; /* ID of device containing file */ ino_t st_ino; /* inode number */ mode_t st_mode; /* protection */ nlink_t st_nlink; /* number of hard links */ uid_t st_uid; /* user ID of owner */ gid_t st_gid; /* group ID of owner */ dev_t st_rdev; /* device ID (if special file) */ off_t st_size; /* total size, in bytes */ blksize_t st_blksize; /* blocksize for filesystem I/O */ blkcnt_t st_blocks; /* number of 512B blocks allocated */ time_t st_atime; /* time of last access */ time_t st_mtime; /* time of last modification */ time_t st_ctime; /* time of last status change */ };
//示例 - err_exit函数如前 // 其实可以通过Linux 系统调用major, minor来替换(如下) #define MAJOR(a) (int)((unsigned short)a >> 8) //主设备号: 获取高8位 #define MINOR(a) (int)((unsigned short)a & 0xFF)//次设备号: 获取低8位 bool fileType(const struct stat &fileStat); void filePerm(const struct stat &fileStat, char *perm); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <file-name>" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct stat fileStat; if (lstat(argv[1], &fileStat) == -1) err_exit("stat error"); cout << "file-name: " << argv[1] << endl; cout << "st_ino = " << fileStat.st_ino << endl; cout << "device major: " << major(fileStat.st_dev) << ", minor: " << minor(fileStat.st_dev) << endl; if (fileType(fileStat)) { cout << "----------------------------" << endl; cout << "major: " << MAJOR(fileStat.st_dev) << ", minor: " << MINOR(fileStat.st_rdev) << endl; // cout << "major: " << major(fileStat.st_dev) // << ", minor: " << minor(fileStat.st_rdev) << endl; } //获取文件的权限: 但要注意需要&上07777 fprintf(stdout, "file permission: %o", fileStat.st_mode&07777); char perm[11]; filePerm(fileStat, perm); cout << ", msg: " << perm << endl; cout << "st_nlink = " << fileStat.st_nlink << endl; cout << "st_uid = " << fileStat.st_uid << endl; cout << "st_gid = " << fileStat.st_gid << endl; cout << "st_size = " << fileStat.st_size << endl; cout << "st_blksize = " << fileStat.st_blksize << endl; cout << "st_blocks = " << fileStat.st_blocks << endl; cout << "st_atime = " << fileStat.st_atime << endl; cout << "st_ctime = " << fileStat.st_ctime << endl; cout << "st_mtime = " << fileStat.st_mtime << endl; } bool fileType(const struct stat &fileStat) { cout << "file-type: "; switch(fileStat.st_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFSOCK: cout << "socket"; break; case S_IFLNK: cout << "symbolic link"; break; case S_IFREG: cout << "regular file"; break; case S_IFBLK: cout << "block device" << endl; return true; break; case S_IFDIR: cout << "directory"; break; case S_IFCHR: cout << "character device" << endl; return true; break; case S_IFIFO: cout << "FIFO" << endl; break; default: cout << "unknown?"; break; } cout << endl; return false; } void filePerm(const struct stat &fileStat, char *perm) { strcpy(perm, "----------"); switch(fileStat.st_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFSOCK: perm[0] = 's'; break; case S_IFLNK: perm[0] = 'l'; break; case S_IFREG: perm[0] = '-'; break; case S_IFBLK: perm[0] = 'b'; break; case S_IFDIR: perm[0] = 'd'; break; case S_IFCHR: perm[0] = 'c'; break; case S_IFIFO: perm[0] = 'p'; break; default: perm[0] = '?'; break; } if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IRUSR) perm[1] = 'r'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IWUSR) perm[2] = 'w'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IXUSR) perm[3] = 'x'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IRGRP) perm[4] = 'r'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IWGRP) perm[5] = 'w'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IXGRP) perm[6] = 'x'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IROTH) perm[7] = 'r'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IWOTH) perm[8] = 'w'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IXOTH) perm[9] = 'x'; }
struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t uid);
//passwd结构体 struct passwd { char *pw_name; /* username */ char *pw_passwd; /* user password */ uid_t pw_uid; /* user ID */ gid_t pw_gid; /* group ID */ char *pw_gecos; /* user information */ char *pw_dir; /* home directory */ char *pw_shell; /* shell program */ };
struct group *getgrgid(gid_t gid);
//group结构体 struct group { char *gr_name; /* group name */ char *gr_passwd; /* group password */ gid_t gr_gid; /* group ID */ char **gr_mem; /* group members */ };
3. readlink
ssize_t readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsiz);
4. localtime
struct tm *localtime(const time_t *timep);
//tm结构体 struct tm { int tm_sec; /* seconds */ int tm_min; /* minutes */ int tm_hour; /* hours */ int tm_mday; /* day of the month */ int tm_mon; /* month */ int tm_year; /* year */ int tm_wday; /* day of the week */ int tm_yday; /* day in the year */ int tm_isdst; /* daylight saving time */ };
//示例: 实现简单的ls -l功能 #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <grp.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; inline void err_exit(std::string message); bool isDevice(const struct stat &fileStat); bool isLink(const struct stat &fileStat); void filePerm(const struct stat &fileStat, char *perm); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <file-name>" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct stat fileStat; if (lstat(argv[1], &fileStat) == -1) err_exit("lstat error"); //获取权限 char perm[11]; filePerm(fileStat, perm); cout << perm << ' '; //获取文件链接数 cout << fileStat.st_nlink << ' '; //获取文件所有者 struct passwd *ps = getpwuid(fileStat.st_uid); cout << ps->pw_name << ' '; //获取文件所属组 struct group *gp = getgrgid(fileStat.st_gid); cout << gp->gr_name << ' '; if (isDevice(fileStat)) cout << major(fileStat.st_dev) << ", " << minor(fileStat.st_rdev) << ' '; else cout << fileStat.st_size << ' '; // 打印最后一次修改时间 time_t mtime = fileStat.st_mtime; struct tm *pTime = localtime(&mtime); cout << pTime->tm_mon+1 << "月 " << pTime->tm_mday << ' ' << pTime->tm_hour << ':' << pTime->tm_min << ' '; // 打印文件名 cout << argv[1]; if (isLink(fileStat)) { cout << " -> "; char name[1024] = {0}; if (readlink(argv[1], name, sizeof(name)) == -1) err_exit("readlink error"); cout << name; } cout << endl; } inline void err_exit(std::string message) { perror(message.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
bool isDevice(const struct stat &fileStat) { switch(fileStat.st_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFBLK: case S_IFCHR: return true; break; default: return false; break; } return false; }
bool isLink(const struct stat &fileStat) { if ((fileStat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) return true; return false; }
void filePerm(const struct stat &fileStat, char *perm) { strcpy(perm, "----------"); switch(fileStat.st_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFSOCK: perm[0] = 's'; break; case S_IFLNK: perm[0] = 'l'; break; case S_IFREG: perm[0] = '-'; break; case S_IFBLK: perm[0] = 'b'; break; case S_IFDIR: perm[0] = 'd'; break; case S_IFCHR: perm[0] = 'c'; break; case S_IFIFO: perm[0] = 'p'; break; default: perm[0] = '?'; break; } if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IRUSR) perm[1] = 'r'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IWUSR) perm[2] = 'w'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IXUSR) perm[3] = 'x'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IRGRP) perm[4] = 'r'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IWGRP) perm[5] = 'w'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IXGRP) perm[6] = 'x'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IROTH) perm[7] = 'r'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IWOTH) perm[8] = 'w'; if (fileStat.st_mode & S_IXOTH) perm[9] = 'x'; }
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