FlappyBird Pygame
from InitObject import * def startGame(): moveDistance = -20 isButtonPlay = False #是否按下开始按钮 isAlive = "birdIsAlive" #鸟是否死亡 initObject(screen, imageDict, bgListNight, bgListDay, pipeList, birdListAlive, birdListDeath) #初始化对象 buttonPlay = BaseClass(screen, 90, 300, imageDict[11], 116, 70) #实例一个开始按钮 gameOver = BaseClass(screen, 50, 240, imageDict[13], 204, 54) while True: ret = checkEvent() #停止事件检测 movingBackground(bgListNight, bgListDay) #交替移动的背景 movingPipe(pipeList) #移动的管道 screen.blit(textScore, (140, 0)) if not isButtonPlay: #判断开始按钮是否按下 buttonPlay.display() if ret and ret[0] == "buttonDownPos" and buttonPlay.rect.collidepoint(ret[1]): isButtonPlay = True screen.blit(getScore, (260, 0)) else: #已经按下开始按钮 moveDistance += 5 showScore(moveDistance) if isAlive == "birdIsAlive": #鸟是活着的状态 isButtonDownK_SPACE = ret #判断是否应该向上跳跃,如果不跳跃,则自由落体 isAlive = birdAnimationAlive(pipeList, birdListAlive, isButtonDownK_SPACE) if isAlive == "birdHasDeath": #鸟是死了的状态 birdAnimationDeath(birdListDeath) #鸟的死亡动画 gameOver.display() #显示makeover按钮 #单击gameover按钮,退出游戏 if ret and ret[0] == "buttonDownPos" and gameOver.rect.collidepoint(ret[1]): sys.exit() pygame.display.update() if __name__ == "__main__": startGame()
import pygame import time import sys import random from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 40) goodFont = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 80) textScore = font.render("Score: ", True, (255, 0, 0)) getScore = font.render(", True, (0, 255, 0)) good = goodFont.render("Good!", True, (255, 0, 0)) frameCountPerSeconds = 10 #设置帧率 moveDistance = 0 imageDict = {1: "./images/bird1_0.png", 2: "./images/bird1_1.png", 3: "./images/bird1_2.png", 4: "./images/bird2_0.png", 5: "./images/bird2_1.png", 6: "./images/bird2_2.png", 7: "./images/bg_night.png", 8: "./images/bg_day.png", 9: "./images/pipe2_down.png", 10: "./images/pipe2_up.png", 11: "./images/button_play.png", 12: "./images/text_ready.png", 13: "./images/text_game_over.png"} screen = pygame.display.set_mode((288, 512)) #加载图片到缓冲区,还没有展示在屏幕上,返回Surface对象 pygame.display.set_caption("Author:筵") #设置标题 bgListNight = [] #三张夜晚背景容器 bgListDay = [] #三张白天背景容器 pipeList = [] birdListAlive = [] birdListDeath = []
from Methods import * def initObject(screen, imageDict, bgListNight, bgListDay, pipeList, birdListAlive, birdListDeath): for i in range(3): #实例化三张夜晚背景 bgListNight.append(Background(screen, 288*i, 0, imageDict[7])) for i in range(3): #实例化三张白天背景 bgListDay.append(Background(screen, 288*i + 864, 0, imageDict[8])) for i in range(6): #实例化水管 rand = random.randrange(-200, -50) pipeList.append([Pipe(screen, 304+220*i, rand, imageDict[9]), Pipe(screen, 304+220*i, 500+rand, imageDict[10])]) for i in range(3): #初始化活鸟 birdListAlive.append(Bird(screen, 36, 200, imageDict[i+1])) for i in range(3): #初始化死鸟 birdListDeath.append(Bird(screen, 36, 200, imageDict[i+4]))
from Headers import * #定义基类 class BaseClass: def __init__(self, screen, x, y, imagePath, rectX, rectY): self.screen = screen self.x = x self.y = y self.rect = Rect(self.x, self.y, rectX, rectY) self.image = pygame.image.load(imagePath).convert_alpha() def display(self): #渲染到屏幕上 self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) #定义背景类,继承基类 class Background(BaseClass): def __init__(self, screen, x, y, imagePath): super().__init__(screen, x, y, imagePath, 288, 512) def moveLeft(self): #向左移动 if self.rect.x < -288: self.rect.x = 1440 self.rect = self.rect.move([-5, 0]) #定义水管类,继承基类 class Pipe(BaseClass): def __init__(self, screen, x, y, imagePath): super().__init__(screen, x, y, imagePath, 52, 320) def moveLeft(self): self.rect = self.rect.move([-5, 0]) #定义小鸟类,继承基类 class Bird(BaseClass): def __init__(self, screen, x, y, imagePath): super().__init__(screen, x, y, imagePath, 48, 48) def moveDown(self): self.rect = self.rect.move([0, 10]) def deathDown(self): if self.rect.y <= 400: self.rect = self.rect.move([0, 50]) def moveUp(self): self.rect = self.rect.move([0, -20])
from Class import * #检查停止事件 def checkEvent(): time.sleep(0.1) press = pygame.key.get_pressed() #检测按下ESC键退出游戏 if(press[K_ESCAPE]): sys.exit() # elif press[K_SPACE]: # return "buttonDownKSpace" for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #检测单击X,退出游戏 sys.exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #获取鼠标单击位置 buttonDownPos = event.pos return ("buttonDownPos", buttonDownPos) elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE: #检测是否按下SPACE键 # if event.key == K_SPACE: return "buttonDownK_SPACE" #三张夜晚背景和三张白天背景交替出现,向左移动 def movingBackground(bgListNight, bgListDay): for i in range(3): bgListNight[i].display() bgListNight[i].moveLeft() for i in range(3): bgListDay[i].display() bgListDay[i].moveLeft() def movingPipe(pipeList): for i in pipeList: i[0].display() i[0].moveLeft() i[1].display() i[1].moveLeft() def birdAnimationAlive(pipeList, birdList, isButtonDownK_SPACE): #自由下落的鸟 deltaTime = time.time() frameIndex = (int)(deltaTime/(1.0/frameCountPerSeconds)) if isButtonDownK_SPACE == "buttonDownK_SPACE": for i in range(3): birdList[i].moveUp() else: for i in range(3): birdList[i].moveDown() if frameIndex % 3 == 0: birdList[0].display() if frameIndex % 3 == 1: birdList[1].display() if frameIndex % 3 == 2: birdList[2].display() for i in pipeList: if birdList[0].rect.colliderect(i[0].rect) or birdList[0].rect.colliderect(i[1].rect): return "birdHasDeath" if birdList[0].rect.y >= 512: return "birdHasDeath" else: return "birdIsAlive" def birdAnimationDeath(birdList): deltaTime = time.time() frameIndex = (int)(deltaTime/(1.0/frameCountPerSeconds)) if frameIndex % 3 == 0: birdList[0].display() if frameIndex % 3 == 1: birdList[1].display() if frameIndex % 3 == 2: birdList[2].display() for i in range(3): birdList[i].deathDown() def showScore(moveDistance): score = moveDistance // 220 if score <= 0: score = 0 if score >= 6: score = 6 screen.blit(good, (30, 200)) getScoreStart = font.render(str(score), True, (255, 0, 0)) screen.blit(getScoreStart, (260, 0))
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