This is a simple C program which can count input lines, words and chars. But the number of words are not very strict. It likes simple wc command.


/* 简单的统计行数,单词数目,字符个数等
   my_wc.c by orangleliu

int main()
    int c, nl, nw, nc, flag;
    nl = nw = nc =0;

    while((c = getchar()) != EOF)
       if( c == '\n' )

       if( c == ' '|| c == '\t' || c == '\n')
            flag = 1;
       else if ( flag == 1){
            flag = 0;

    printf("line %d words %d chars %d \n", nl, nw, nc);


lzz-rmbp|file # cat my_wc.c|./a.out
line 25 words 68 chars 447

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