








DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(this, "students-db", null);


public class DaoMaster extends AbstractDaoMaster {
    public static final int SCHEMA_VERSION = 1;

    /** Creates underlying database table using DAOs. */
    public static void createAllTables(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifNotExists) {
        StudentDao.createTable(db, ifNotExists);

    /** Drops underlying database table using DAOs. */
    public static void dropAllTables(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifExists) {
        StudentDao.dropTable(db, ifExists);

    public static abstract class OpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

        public OpenHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory) {
            super(context, name, factory, SCHEMA_VERSION);

        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            Log.i("greenDAO", "Creating tables for schema version " + SCHEMA_VERSION);
            createAllTables(db, false);

    /** WARNING: Drops all table on Upgrade! Use only during development. */
    public static class DevOpenHelper extends OpenHelper {
        public DevOpenHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory) {
            super(context, name, factory);

        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
            Log.i("greenDAO", "Upgrading schema from version " + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion + " by dropping all tables");
            dropAllTables(db, true);

    public DaoMaster(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        super(db, SCHEMA_VERSION);

    public DaoSession newSession() {
        return new DaoSession(db, IdentityScopeType.Session, daoConfigMap);

    public DaoSession newSession(IdentityScopeType type) {
        return new DaoSession(db, type, daoConfigMap);


从DaoMaster中我们可以发现,DaoMaster除了具有创建表和删除表的两个功能外,还有两个内部类,分别为OpenHelper和DevOpenHelper,而DevOpenHelper继承自OpenHelper,而OpenHelper继承自SQLiteOpenHelper,而重写的onCreate()方法中调用了createAllTables(db,false);方法来创建数据表,而createAllTables()方法中是通过调用StudentDao静态方法来创建表的StudentDao.createTable(db, ifNotExists);我们点进这个方法中去看个究竟:

public static void createTable(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifNotExists) {
        String constraint = ifNotExists? "IF NOT EXISTS ": "";
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + constraint + "\"STUDENT\" (" + //
                "\"_id\" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ," + // 0: id
                "\"NAME\" TEXT NOT NULL ," + // 1: name
                "\"AGE\" INTEGER," + // 2: age
                "\"IS_MAN\" INTEGER);"); // 3: is_man


public static void dropTable(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifExists) {
        String sql = "DROP TABLE " + (ifExists ? "IF EXISTS " : "") + "\"STUDENT\"";


public abstract class AbstractDaoMaster {
    protected final SQLiteDatabase db;
    protected final int schemaVersion;
    protected final Map<Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>, DaoConfig> daoConfigMap;

    public AbstractDaoMaster(SQLiteDatabase db, int schemaVersion) {
        this.db = db;
        this.schemaVersion = schemaVersion;

        daoConfigMap = new HashMap<Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>, DaoConfig>();

    protected void registerDaoClass(Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>> daoClass) {
        DaoConfig daoConfig = new DaoConfig(db, daoClass);
        daoConfigMap.put(daoClass, daoConfig);

    public int getSchemaVersion() {
        return schemaVersion;

    /** Gets the SQLiteDatabase for custom database access. Not needed for greenDAO entities. */
    public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase() {
        return db;

    public abstract AbstractDaoSession newSession();

    public abstract AbstractDaoSession newSession(IdentityScopeType type);


protected final Map<Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>, DaoConfig> daoConfigMap;


protected void registerDaoClass(Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>> daoClass) {
        DaoConfig daoConfig = new DaoConfig(db, daoClass);
        daoConfigMap.put(daoClass, daoConfig);




public class DaoSession extends AbstractDaoSession {

    private final DaoConfig studentDaoConfig;

    private final StudentDao studentDao;

    public DaoSession(SQLiteDatabase db, IdentityScopeType type, Map<Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>, DaoConfig>
            daoConfigMap) {

        studentDaoConfig = daoConfigMap.get(StudentDao.class).clone();

        studentDao = new StudentDao(studentDaoConfig, this);

        registerDao(Student.class, studentDao);

    public void clear() {

    public StudentDao getStudentDao() {
        return studentDao;



studentDaoConfig = daoConfigMap.get(StudentDao.class).clone();

这个正是从在DaoMaster创建的Map集合中取出keyStudentDao.class的DaoConfig对象,刚刚就说了Map集合中保寸了StudentDao类对应的数据库db的关系映射,而这个DaoConfig对象正是管理了对应的db对象。然后把这个DaoConfig传给StudentDao(studentDaoConfig, this),所以这就说明了我们使用StudentDao对象来进行数据库上的CRUD操作而对应的数据库也会变化的原因,这个过程实际上就是在间接操作数据库。



public class AbstractDaoSession {
    private final SQLiteDatabase db;
    private final Map<Class<?>, AbstractDao<?, ?>> entityToDao;

    public AbstractDaoSession(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        this.db = db;
        this.entityToDao = new HashMap<Class<?>, AbstractDao<?, ?>>();

    protected <T> void registerDao(Class<T> entityClass, AbstractDao<T, ?> dao) {
        entityToDao.put(entityClass, dao);

    /** Convenient call for {@link AbstractDao#insert(Object)}. */
    public <T> long insert(T entity) {
        AbstractDao<T, ?> dao = (AbstractDao<T, ?>) getDao(entity.getClass());
        return dao.insert(entity);

    /** Convenient call for {@link AbstractDao#insertOrReplace(Object)}. */
    public <T> long insertOrReplace(T entity) {
        AbstractDao<T, ?> dao = (AbstractDao<T, ?>) getDao(entity.getClass());
        return dao.insertOrReplace(entity);

    /** Convenient call for {@link AbstractDao#refresh(Object)}. */
    public <T> void refresh(T entity) {
        AbstractDao<T, ?> dao = (AbstractDao<T, ?>) getDao(entity.getClass());

    /** Convenient call for {@link AbstractDao#update(Object)}. */
    public <T> void update(T entity) {
        AbstractDao<T, ?> dao = (AbstractDao<T, ?>) getDao(entity.getClass());
    /** Convenient call for {@link AbstractDao#delete(Object)}. */
    public <T> void delete(T entity) {
        AbstractDao<T, ?> dao = (AbstractDao<T, ?>) getDao(entity.getClass());

    /** Convenient call for {@link AbstractDao#deleteAll()}. */
    public <T> void deleteAll(Class<T> entityClass) {
        AbstractDao<T, ?> dao = (AbstractDao<T, ?>) getDao(entityClass);

    /** Convenient call for {@link AbstractDao#load(Object)}. */
    public <T, K> T load(Class<T> entityClass, K key) {
        AbstractDao<T, K> dao = (AbstractDao<T, K>) getDao(entityClass);
        return dao.load(key);

    /** Gets the SQLiteDatabase for custom database access. Not needed for greenDAO entities. */
    public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase() {
        return db;

     * Creates a new {@link AsyncSession} to issue asynchronous entity operations. See {@link AsyncSession} for details.
    public AsyncSession startAsyncSession() {
        return new AsyncSession(this);





SparseArray<WeakReference<Q>> queriesForThreads = new SparseArray<WeakReference<Q>>();
Q forCurrentThread() {
        int threadId = Process.myTid();
        synchronized (queriesForThreads) {
            WeakReference<Q> queryRef = queriesForThreads.get(threadId);
            Q query = queryRef != null ? queryRef.get() : null;
            if (query == null) {
                query = createQuery();
                queriesForThreads.put(threadId, new WeakReference<Q>(query));
            } else {
                System.arraycopy(initialValues, 0, query.parameters, 0, initialValues.length);
            return query;





public class StudentDao extends AbstractDao<Student, Long> {

    public static final String TABLENAME = "STUDENT";

     * Properties of entity Student.<br/>
     * Can be used for QueryBuilder and for referencing column names.
    public static class Properties {
        public final static Property Id = new Property(0, Long.class, "id", true, "_id");
        public final static Property Name = new Property(1, String.class, "name", false, "NAME");
        public final static Property Age = new Property(2, Integer.class, "age", false, "AGE");
        public final static Property Is_man = new Property(3, Boolean.class, "is_man", false, "IS_MAN");

    public StudentDao(DaoConfig config) {

    public StudentDao(DaoConfig config, DaoSession daoSession) {
        super(config, daoSession);

    /** Creates the underlying database table. */
    public static void createTable(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifNotExists) {
        String constraint = ifNotExists? "IF NOT EXISTS ": "";
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + constraint + "\"STUDENT\" (" + //
                "\"_id\" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ," + // 0: id
                "\"NAME\" TEXT NOT NULL ," + // 1: name
                "\"AGE\" INTEGER," + // 2: age
                "\"IS_MAN\" INTEGER);"); // 3: is_man

    /** Drops the underlying database table. */
    public static void dropTable(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifExists) {
        String sql = "DROP TABLE " + (ifExists ? "IF EXISTS " : "") + "\"STUDENT\"";

    /** @inheritdoc */
    protected void bindValues(SQLiteStatement stmt, Student entity) {

        Long id = entity.getId();
        if (id != null) {
            stmt.bindLong(1, id);
        stmt.bindString(2, entity.getName());

        Integer age = entity.getAge();
        if (age != null) {
            stmt.bindLong(3, age);

        Boolean is_man = entity.getIs_man();
        if (is_man != null) {
            stmt.bindLong(4, is_man ? 1L: 0L);

    /** @inheritdoc */
    public Long readKey(Cursor cursor, int offset) {
        return cursor.isNull(offset + 0) ? null : cursor.getLong(offset + 0);

    /** @inheritdoc */
    public Student readEntity(Cursor cursor, int offset) {
        Student entity = new Student( //
            cursor.isNull(offset + 0) ? null : cursor.getLong(offset + 0), // id
            cursor.getString(offset + 1), // name
            cursor.isNull(offset + 2) ? null : cursor.getInt(offset + 2), // age
            cursor.isNull(offset + 3) ? null : cursor.getShort(offset + 3) != 0 // is_man
        return entity;

    /** @inheritdoc */
    public void readEntity(Cursor cursor, Student entity, int offset) {
        entity.setId(cursor.isNull(offset + 0) ? null : cursor.getLong(offset + 0));
        entity.setName(cursor.getString(offset + 1));
        entity.setAge(cursor.isNull(offset + 2) ? null : cursor.getInt(offset + 2));
        entity.setIs_man(cursor.isNull(offset + 3) ? null : cursor.getShort(offset + 3) != 0);

    /** @inheritdoc */
    protected Long updateKeyAfterInsert(Student entity, long rowId) {
        return rowId;

    /** @inheritdoc */
    public Long getKey(Student entity) {
        if(entity != null) {
            return entity.getId();
        } else {
            return null;

    /** @inheritdoc */
    protected boolean isEntityUpdateable() {
        return true;


其中bindValues()这个方法就是绑定实体的属性名和表中的字段名的,还有比较重要的就是这个静态内部类Properties,该类中分别对每一个实体类的属性都创建了一个Property对象,而我们可以根据Property来得到这个属性对应表中的列名、是否为主键等值,其中还包括了一些方法,比如判断表中某个字段的值是否和value相等:eq(Object value);


public class Property {
    public final int ordinal;
    public final Class<?> type;
    public final String name;
    public final boolean primaryKey;
    public final String columnName;

    public Property(int ordinal, Class<?> type, String name, boolean primaryKey, String columnName) {
        this.ordinal = ordinal;
        this.type = type;
        this.name = name;
        this.primaryKey = primaryKey;
        this.columnName = columnName;

    /** Creates an "equal ('=')" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition eq(Object value) {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, "=?", value);

    /** Creates an "not equal ('<>')" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition notEq(Object value) {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, "<>?", value);

    /** Creates an "LIKE" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition like(String value) {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, " LIKE ?", value);

    /** Creates an "BETWEEN ... AND ..." condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition between(Object value1, Object value2) {
        Object[] values = { value1, value2 };
        return new PropertyCondition(this, " BETWEEN ? AND ?", values);

    /** Creates an "IN (..., ..., ...)" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition in(Object... inValues) {
        StringBuilder condition = new StringBuilder(" IN (");
        SqlUtils.appendPlaceholders(condition, inValues.length).append(')');
        return new PropertyCondition(this, condition.toString(), inValues);

    /** Creates an "IN (..., ..., ...)" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition in(Collection<?> inValues) {
        return in(inValues.toArray());

    /** Creates an "NOT IN (..., ..., ...)" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition notIn(Object... notInValues) {
        StringBuilder condition = new StringBuilder(" NOT IN (");
        SqlUtils.appendPlaceholders(condition, notInValues.length).append(')');
        return new PropertyCondition(this, condition.toString(), notInValues);

    /** Creates an "NOT IN (..., ..., ...)" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition notIn(Collection<?> notInValues) {
        return notIn(notInValues.toArray());

    /** Creates an "greater than ('>')" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition gt(Object value) {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, ">?", value);

    /** Creates an "less than ('<')" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition lt(Object value) {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, "<?", value);

    /** Creates an "greater or equal ('>=')" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition ge(Object value) {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, ">=?", value);

    /** Creates an "less or equal ('<=')" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition le(Object value) {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, "<=?", value);

    /** Creates an "IS NULL" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition isNull() {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, " IS NULL");

    /** Creates an "IS NOT NULL" condition  for this property. */
    public WhereCondition isNotNull() {
        return new PropertyCondition(this, " IS NOT NULL");




public abstract class AbstractDao<T, K> {
    protected final SQLiteDatabase db;
    protected final DaoConfig config;
    protected IdentityScope<K, T> identityScope;
    protected IdentityScopeLong<T> identityScopeLong;
    protected TableStatements statements;

    protected final AbstractDaoSession session;
    protected final int pkOrdinal;

    public AbstractDao(DaoConfig config) {
        this(config, null);

    public AbstractDao(DaoConfig config, AbstractDaoSession daoSession) {
        this.config = config;
        this.session = daoSession;
        db = config.db;
        identityScope = (IdentityScope<K, T>) config.getIdentityScope();
        if (identityScope instanceof IdentityScopeLong) {
            identityScopeLong = (IdentityScopeLong<T>) identityScope;
        statements = config.statements;
        pkOrdinal = config.pkProperty != null ? config.pkProperty.ordinal : -1;

    public AbstractDaoSession getSession() {
        return session;

    TableStatements getStatements() {
        return config.statements;

    public String getTablename() {
        return config.tablename;

    public Property[] getProperties() {
        return config.properties;

    public Property getPkProperty() {
        return config.pkProperty;

    public String[] getAllColumns() {
        return config.allColumns;

    public String[] getPkColumns() {
        return config.pkColumns;

    public String[] getNonPkColumns() {
        return config.nonPkColumns;

     * Deletes the given entities in the database using a transaction.
     * @param entities
     *            The entities to delete.
    public void deleteInTx(Iterable<T> entities) {
        deleteInTxInternal(entities, null);

     * Deletes the given entities in the database using a transaction.
     * @param entities
     *            The entities to delete.
    public void deleteInTx(T... entities) {
        deleteInTxInternal(Arrays.asList(entities), null);

     * Deletes all entities with the given keys in the database using a transaction.
     * @param keys
     *            Keys of the entities to delete.
    public void deleteByKeyInTx(Iterable<K> keys) {
        deleteInTxInternal(null, keys);

     * Deletes all entities with the given keys in the database using a transaction.
     * @param keys
     *            Keys of the entities to delete.
    public void deleteByKeyInTx(K... keys) {
        deleteInTxInternal(null, Arrays.asList(keys));

    /** Resets all locally changed properties of the entity by reloading the values from the database. */
    public void refresh(T entity) {
        K key = getKeyVerified(entity);
        String sql = statements.getSelectByKey();
        String[] keyArray = new String[] { key.toString() };
        Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, keyArray);
        try {
            boolean available = cursor.moveToFirst();
            if (!available) {
                throw new DaoException("Entity does not exist in the database anymore: " + entity.getClass()
                        + " with key " + key);
            } else if (!cursor.isLast()) {
                throw new DaoException("Expected unique result, but count was " + cursor.getCount());
            readEntity(cursor, entity, 0);
            attachEntity(key, entity, true);
        } finally {

    public void update(T entity) {
        SQLiteStatement stmt = statements.getUpdateStatement();
        if (db.isDbLockedByCurrentThread()) {
            synchronized (stmt) {
                updateInsideSynchronized(entity, stmt, true);
        } else {
            // Do TX to acquire a connection before locking the stmt to avoid deadlocks
            try {
                synchronized (stmt) {
                    updateInsideSynchronized(entity, stmt, true);
            } finally {

    public QueryBuilder<T> queryBuilder() {
        return QueryBuilder.internalCreate(this);




DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(this, "students-db", null);
SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase();
DaoMaster master = new DaoMaster(db);
DaoSession session = master.newSession();
StudentDao dao = session.getStudentDao();


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