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原文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/cocos2der/article/details/52104828

关于Mac下如何给自己App添加开机自启动功能,你可以了解下Mac Developer Library中的说明。

There are two ways to add a login item: using the Service Management framework, and using a shared file list

Login items installed using the Service Management framework are not visible in System Preferences and can only be removed by the application that installed them.

Login items installed using a shared file list are visible in System Preferences; users have direct control over them. If you use this API, your login item can be disabled by the user, so any other application that communicates with it it should have reasonable fallback behavior in case the login item is disabled.

可以看出,Apple推荐了两种方式:Service Management framework 和 shared file list。


  • 使用Service Management framework 在系统的登录项中是不可见的。只有卸载App才能移除登录项

  • 使用 shared file list 在系统的登录项中是可见的。用户可以直接在面板上控制他们。(If you use this API, your login item can be disabled by the user, so any other application that communicates with it it should have reasonable fallback behavior in case the login item is disabled.) 原文还有一句大意是指这个API有隐患,所以在OS X 10.10系统上 API被大量Deprecated

下面我主要介绍的是使用Service Management framework 的方式添加开机自启动。




  • 我们需要注册一个Helper Target App用来作为开机自启动我们的MainApp,点击Targets下面的加号.

  • 添加一个新的OS X application。取名为MainAppHelper


  • 删除MainAppHelper中的windows,让它没有可展示的Window。

  • 设置MainAppHelper的Info中Application is background only为YES

  • 设置MainAppHelper中Build Setting下skip install为YES

  • 在MainApp中添加CopyFile到Contents/Library/LoginItems

  • 在MainApp中设置Build Setting 下Strip Debug Symbols During Copy为NO, 这个是默认的为No

  • 分别开启MainApp和MainAppHelper的App Sandbox


  • 请根据你自己的实际情况添加startupAppWhenLogin函数到你MainApp主工程中,程序运行后根据情况调用开启或者关闭自启动, 注意其中的BundleID改为你自己的,以及主App的名称。如果不确定名称是否是自己的工程名,可以直接右键自己的ipa,显示包内容,看下里面的文件夹你就明白了。
func startupAppWhenLogin(startup: Bool) {
        // 这里请填写你自己的Heler BundleID
        let launcherAppIdentifier = "com.cocos2dev.MainApp.MainAppHelper"

        // 开始注册/取消启动项
        SMLoginItemSetEnabled(launcherAppIdentifier, startup)

        var startedAtLogin = false
        for app in NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().runningApplications {
            if app.bundleIdentifier == launcherAppIdentifier {
                startedAtLogin = true

        if startedAtLogin {            NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("killhelper", object: NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier!)
  • 在MainAppHelper中,修改AppDelegate为如下代码:

import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
    func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
        // Insert code here to initialize your application

        let mainAppIdentifier = "com.cocos2dev.MainApp"
        let running           = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().runningApplications
        var alreadyRunning    = false

        for app in running {
            if app.bundleIdentifier == mainAppIdentifier {
                alreadyRunning = true

        if !alreadyRunning {
            NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "terminate", name: "killhelper", object: mainAppIdentifier)

            let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath as NSString
            var components = path.pathComponents
            components.append("MainApp") //main app name

            let newPath = NSString.pathWithComponents(components)
        } else {

    func applicationWillTerminate(aNotification: NSNotification) {
        // Insert code here to tear down your application

    func terminate() {
        //      NSLog("I'll be back!")


以上就是一个自启动App的做法。当然如果你上架Mac Store,建议你不要默认就开启自启动,放到设置中,让用户自己选择开启/关闭。

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