Python - Tkinter画布-Canvas: Canvas是一个长方形的面积,图画或其他复杂的布局。可以放置在画布上的图形,文字,部件,或是帧



 w = Canvas ( master, option=value, ... )


  • master:  这代表了父窗口.

  • options: 下面是这个小工具最常用的选项列表。这些选项可以作为键 - 值对以逗号分隔.

Option Description
bd Border width in pixels. Default is 2.
bg Normal background color.
confine If true (the default), the canvas cannot be scrolled outside of the scrollregion.
cursor Cursor used in the canvas like arrow, circle, dot etc.
height Size of the canvas in the Y dimension.
highlightcolor Color shown in the focus highlight.
relief Relief specifies the type of the border. Some of the values are SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE.
scrollregion A tuple (w, n, e, s) that defines over how large an area the canvas can be scrolled, where w is the left side, n the top, e the right side, and s the bottom.
width Size of the canvas in the X dimension.
xscrollincrement If you set this option to some positive dimension, the canvas can be positioned only on multiples of that distance, and the value will be used for scrolling by scrolling units, such as when the user clicks on the arrows at the ends of a scrollbar.
xscrollcommand If the canvas is scrollable, this attribute should be the .set() method of the horizontal scrollbar.
yscrollincrement Works like xscrollincrement, but governs vertical movement.
yscrollcommand If the canvas is scrollable, this attribute should be the .set() method of the vertical scrollbar.


arc .创建弧项目,它可以是一个和弦,饼图扇区,或是一个简单的弧.

coord = 10, 50, 240, 210
arc = canvas.create_arc(coord, start=0, extent=150, fill="blue")

image . 创建一个图像的项目,它可以是位图图像或是照片图像类的一个实例.

filename = PhotoImage(file = "sunshine.gif")
image = canvas.create_image(50, 50, anchor=NE, image=filename)

line . 创建一条线条目.

line = canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn, options)

oval . 在给定的坐标创建一个圆或椭圆。它的坐标两双。为椭圆的边界矩形左上角和底部右下角.

oval = canvas.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

polygon . 创建一个多边形的项目,必须有至少三个顶点.

oval = canvas.create_polygon(x0, y0, x1, y1,...xn, yn, options)



import Tkinter
import tkMessageBox top = Tkinter.Tk() C = Tkinter.Canvas(top, bg="blue", height=250, width=300) coord = 10, 50, 240, 210
arc = C.create_arc(coord, start=0, extent=150, fill="red") C.pack()




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