图书源代码下载: Modern Differential Geometry of CURVES and SURFACES with Mathematica
Contents | |||
1. Curves in the Plane | 2. Famous Plane Curves | 3. Alternative Ways of Plotting Curves | 4. New Curves from Old | 5. Determining a Plane Curve from Its Curvature | 6. Global Properties of Plane Curves | 7. Curves in Space | 8. Construction of Space Curves | 9. Calculus on Euclidean Space | 10. Surfaces in Euclidean Space | 11. Nonorientable Surfaces | 12. Metrics on Surfaces | 13. Shape and Curvature | 14. Ruled Surfaces | 15. Surfaces of Revolution and Constant Curvature | 16. A Selection of Minimal Surfaces | 17. Intrinsic Surface Geometry | 18. Asymptotic Curves and Geodesics on Surfaces | 19. Principal Curves and Umbilic Points | 10. Canal Surfaces and Cyclides of Dupin | 21. The Theory of Surfaces of Constant Negative Curvature | 22. Minimal Surfaces via Complex Variables | 23. Rotation and Animation Using Quaternions | 24. Differentiable Manifolds | 25. Riemannian Manifolds | 26. Abstract Surfaces and Their Geodesics | 27. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem |
Description | |||
This textbook explains the classical theory of curves and surfaces, how to define and compute standard geometric functions, and how to apply techniques from analysis. With over 300 illustrations, 300 miniprograms, and many examples, it highlights important theorems and alleviates the drudgery of computations such as the curvature and torsion of a curve in space. The third edition maintains its intuitive approach, reorganizes the material for a clearer division between the text and the Mathematica code, adds a Mathematica notebook (available |
Modern Differential Geometry of
with Mathematica
by Alfred Gray, Elsa Abbena, Simon Salamon
CRC Press, 2006
Notebook files
N0 | N1 | N2 | N3 | N4 | N5 | N6 |
N7 | N8 | N9 | N10 | N11 | N12 | N13 |
N14 | N15 | N16 | N17 | N18 | N19 | N20 |
N21 | N22 | N23 | N24 | N25 | N26 | N27 |
notebooks.rar |
notebooks.tar.gz |
Contents | |||
Curves in the Plane | Famous Plane Curves | Alternative Ways of Plotting Curves | New Curves from Old | Determining a Plane Curve from Its Curvature | Global Properties of Plane Curves | Curves in Space | Construction of Space Curves | Calculus on Euclidean Space | Surfaces in Euclidean Space | Nonorientable Surfaces | Metrics on Surfaces | Shape and Curvature | Ruled Surfaces | Surfaces of Revolution and Constant Curvature | A Selection of Minimal Surfaces | Intrinsic Surface Geometry | Asymptotic Curves and Geodesics on Surfaces | Principal Curves and Umbilic Points | Canal Surfaces and Cyclides of Dupin | The Theory of Surfaces of Constant Negative Curvature | Minimal Surfaces via Complex Variables | Rotation and Animation Using Quaternions | Differentiable Manifolds | Riemannian Manifolds | Abstract Surfaces and Their Geodesics | The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem |
Description | |||
This textbook explains the classical theory of curves and surfaces, how to define and compute standard geometric functions, and how to apply techniques from analysis. With over 300 illustrations, 300 miniprograms, and many examples, it highlights important theorems and alleviates the drudgery of computations such as the curvature and torsion of a curve in space. The third edition maintains its intuitive approach, reorganizes the material for a clearer division between the text and the Mathematica code, adds a Mathematica notebook (available |
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