一.GUI mode 图形化界面运行

  to run JMeter, run the jmeter.bat (for Windows) or jmeter (for Unix) file. These files are found in the bin directory.



  run JMeter (in GUI mode by default)


  run JMeter without the windows shell console (in GUI mode by default)


  drop a JMX file on this to run a non-GUI test


  drop a JMX file on this to run a non-GUI test remotely


  drop a JMX file on this to load it in GUI mode


  start JMeter in server mode


  runs the JMeter Mirror Server in non-GUI mode


  Run the Shutdown client to stop a non-GUI instance gracefully


  Run the Shutdown client to stop a non-GUI instance abruptly

Linux/Unix 中,bin目录下可用脚本有:


  run JMeter (in GUI mode by default). Defines some JVM settings which may not work for all JVMs.


  start JMeter in server mode (calls jmeter script with appropriate parameters)


  very basic JMeter script (You may need to adapt JVM options like memory settings).


  runs the JMeter Mirror Server in non-GUI mode


  Run the Shutdown client to stop a non-GUI instance gracefully


  Run the Shutdown client to stop a non-GUI instance abruptly

二.Non-GUI mode( Command-line mode) 非图形化界面运行

  For load testing, you must run JMeter in this mode


D:\apache-jmeter-3.3\bin>jmeter -?
_ ____ _ ____ _ _ _____ _ __ __ _____ _____ _____ ____
/ \ | _ \ / \ / ___| | | | ____| | | \/ | ____|_ _| ____| _ \
/ _ \ | |_) / _ \| | | |_| | _| _ | | |\/| | _| | | | _| | |_) |
/ ___ \| __/ ___ \ |___| _ | |___ | |_| | | | | |___ | | | |___| _ <
/_/ \_\_| /_/ \_\____|_| |_|_____| \___/|_| |_|_____| |_| |_____|_| \_\ 3.3 r1808647 Copyright (c) - The Apache Software Foundation --?
print command line options and exit
-h, --help
print usage information and exit
-v, --version
print the version information and exit
-p, --propfile <argument>
the jmeter property file to use
-q, --addprop <argument>
additional JMeter property file(s)
-t, --testfile <argument>
the jmeter test(.jmx) file to run. "-t LAST" will load last
used file
-l, --logfile <argument>
the file to log samples to
-i, --jmeterlogconf <argument>
jmeter logging configuration file (log4j2.xml)
-j, --jmeterlogfile <argument>
jmeter run log file (jmeter.log)
-n, --nongui
run JMeter in nongui mode
-s, --server
run the JMeter server
-H, --proxyHost <argument>
Set a proxy server for JMeter to use
-P, --proxyPort <argument>
Set proxy server port for JMeter to use
-N, --nonProxyHosts <argument>
Set nonproxy host list (e.g. *.apache.org|localhost)
-u, --username <argument>
Set username for proxy server that JMeter is to use
-a, --password <argument>
Set password for proxy server that JMeter is to use
-J, --jmeterproperty <argument>=<value>
Define additional JMeter properties
-G, --globalproperty <argument>=<value>
Define Global properties (sent to servers)
e.g. -Gport=
or -Gglobal.properties
-D, --systemproperty <argument>=<value>
Define additional system properties
-S, --systemPropertyFile <argument>
additional system property file(s)
-f, --forceDeleteResultFile
force delete existing results files before start the test
-L, --loglevel <argument>=<value>
[category=]level e.g. jorphan=INFO, jmeter.util=DEBUG or com
-r, --runremote
Start remote servers (as defined in remote_hosts)
-R, --remotestart <argument>
Start these remote servers (overrides remote_hosts)
-d, --homedir <argument>
the jmeter home directory to use
-X, --remoteexit
Exit the remote servers at end of test (non-GUI)
-g, --reportonly <argument>
generate report dashboard only, from a test results file
-e, --reportatendofloadtests
generate report dashboard after load test
-o, --reportoutputfolder <argument>
output folder for report dashboard


jmeter -n -t my_test.jmx -l log.jtl -H my.proxy.server -P 

GUI mode should only be used for creating the test script, NON GUI mode must be used for load testing










举例:在10.1.102.68 机器中启动jmeter 作为控制机,在10.1.102.75 机器中启动jmeter作为负载机。


1.首先在68 jmeter 的jmeter.properties 中指定"remote_hosts" (修改了jmeter.properties 文件需要重新启动JMeter才可以生效)

# Remote Hosts - comma delimited

2.在75 中,启动JMeter Agent 程序,如

3. 在68中,启动jmeter,做一个简单配置,如下:


此时如果正常运行,则75中的agent 控制台中输出如下:


1. 配置测试计划

2. 在75 中,启动JMeter Agent 程序,如

3. 在68中, 命令行执行如下:

D:\apache-jmeter-3.3\bin>jmeter -n -t F:\jmeter_workspace\测试计划-远程运行实例.jmx -l F:\jmeter_workspace\remote.jtl -R
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using F:\jmeter_workspace\测试计划-远程运行实例.jmx
Configuring remote engine:
Starting remote engines
Starting the test @ Fri Nov :: CST ()
Remote engines have been started
Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/Heapdump message on port

此时如果正常运行,则75中的agent 控制台中输出如下:


Java system properties and JMeter properties can be overridden directly on the command lin (instead of modifying jmeter.properties). To do so, use the following options:


  defines a java system property value.


  defines a local JMeter property.


  defines a JMeter property to be sent to all remote servers.


  defines a file containing JMeter properties to be sent to all remote servers.


  overrides a logging setting, setting a particular category to the given priority level


jmeter -Duser.dir=/home/mstover/jmeter_stuff -Jremote_hosts= -Ljmeter.engine=DEBUG



jmeter -n -t "mock_api .jmx" -JthreadCount= -Durl=


  1. -p propfile
  2. jmeter.properties (or the file from the -p option) is then loaded
  3. -j logfile
  4. Logging is initialised
  5. user.properties is loaded
  6. system.properties is loaded
  7. all other command-line options are processed



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