SquashFS 通常的livecd都有一个这个文件,是核心的文件系统
SquashFS 也是一个只读的文件系统,它可以将整个文件系统压缩在一起,存放在某个设备,某个分区或者普通的文件中。如果您将其压缩到一个设备中,那么您可以将其直接 mount 起来使用,而如果它仅仅是个文件的话,您可以将其当为一个 loopback 设备使用。
嵌入式 Linux 启动过程
本文所描述的的 Linux Image 由 BootLoader、kernel、initrd、rootfs 组成,它们共同存在于一个可以启动的存储设备中(本文以 USB 为例)。组成架构如下:
图 1. 可启动 linux 镜像文件结构
- Boot Loader:由 BIOS 加载,用于将后续的 Kernel 和 initrd 的装载到内存中
- kernel:为 initrd 运行提供基础的运行环境
- initrd:检测并加载各种驱动程序
- rootfs:根文件系统,用户的各种操作都是基于这个被最后加载的文件系统
其调用顺序是 Boot Loader->kernel->initrd->rootfs。
当机器上电时首先 BIOS 会启动,然后装载 USB 设备中的 Boot Loader、kernel,、nitrd 到内存中,由于这些文件大小总和小于 10M,所以我们直接拷贝到内存中再执行不会有问题。
最后要加载的 rootfs 是用户最终进行读写操作的文件系统。
- 在非嵌入式系统中,这部分文件通常储存在可直接读写的硬盘上,因此直接挂载到根目录后(例如:mount /dev/sda1 /mnt)就可以进行读写操作。
- 在嵌入式系统中,它是一个压缩的文件系统,大小通常是好几百兆,解压后的大小都超过 1G,如果直接 mount 到系统目录,那么系统目录是只读的,不可进行写入操作。而如果把它加压到内存中可以实现读写的操作,但是这么大的文件直接解压到内存中对于嵌入式设备来说是不可接受的。因此我们需要找到一种不拷贝 rootfs 到内存中,同时又可以对最终的根文件系统进行读写的方法。
Creating and using squashed file systems
4.1. Basic steps
In order to create a squashed file system out of a single directory (say, /some/dir), and output it to a regular file (thus, producing a file system image), you need to say only one magic phrase:
bash# mksquashfs /some/dir dir.sqsh |
mksquashfs will perform the squashing and print the resulting number of inodes and size of data written, as well as the average compression ratio. Now you have your /some/dir directory image in the dir.sqsh file. You can now use the mount command to mount it using a loopback device:
bash# mkdir /mnt/dir |
To check if you have what's expected:
bash# ls /mnt/dir |
If you want to output the file system directly into a device (say, your floppy at /dev/fd0):
bash# mksquashfs /some/dir /dev/fd0 |
Then just mount the device:
bash# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy -t squashfs |
And check if it's okay:
bash# ls /mnt/floppy |
4.2. Squashing file systems
Operations described here correspond to most cases where a read-only compressed file system can be used, whether you want it to be on a block device or in a file. This could be anything from large FTP/HTTP-served archives that don't change often, to having a squashed /usr partition and anything alike with these.
4.2.1. Example 1
Let's suppose you have a /var/arch directory with lots of files and that you want to turn it into a squashed file system and keep it on your root partition as a file (it will be a file system image that you will mount via a loopback device). The operations needed to perform are as follows.
Squash the directory, then mount it via loopback to test it:
bash# mksquashfs /var/arch /var/arch.sqsh |
If everything is as expected, make this file system mount automatically at boot time by adding this line to your /etc/fstab:
/var/arch.sqsh /var/arch squashfs ro,defaults 0 0 |
Unmount the file system from the temporary mount point, and mount using it's fstab entry:
bash# umount /mnt/tmp |
Now just ensure that everything works fine:
bash# ls /var/arch |
4.2.2. Example 2
Say you have two hard disk partitions, /dev/hda6 (which is empty) and /dev/hda7 (which is bigger than /dev/hda6, mounted at /var/arch, contains some data and is full). Now, say you want to squash the /dev/hda7 file system and move it to /dev/hda6, then use /dev/hda7 for some other purposes. We will suppose you have the following line in /etc/fstab (reiserfs is just an example file system used on /dev/hda7):
/dev/hda7 /var/arch reiserfs defaults 0 0 |
In the same fashion as with the previous example:
bash# mksquashfs /var/arch /var/arch.sqsh |
If everything went fine, unmount /dev/hda7 (if needed) and use dd to copy /var/arch.sqsh to /dev/hda6:
bash# umount /dev/hda7 |
Now change the line in /etc/fstab for /dev/hda7 to:
/dev/hda6 /var/arch squashfs ro,defaults 0 0 |
Mount the new file system and check to see if all went fine:
bash# mount /var/arch |
Don't forget to erase the unneeded file system image:
bash# rm /var/arch.sqsh |
4.3. Creating tiny/embedded systems
By saying "tiny/embedded", I mean Linux systems that are being built for booting from floppy disks, IDE/USB flash disks, iso9660 CD-ROMs, small-sized hard drives and the like. Whether you want to have your whole root file system on a single media (a single partition, a single floppy), or have a modular system (several floppies or disk partitions), the procedure is almost identical. Creating such Linux systems themselves is out of scope of this HOWTO - there are dedicated HOWTOs and guides for this (like the Bootdisk HOWTO and Linux From Scratch - visit www.tldp.org to retrieve these documents).
4.3.1. Squashed file systems on floppy/flash/hard disks
In order to use SquashFS for creating Linux systems on small disks, you just have to follow the usual steps for creating a minimal system, performing the following operations at respective points:
When developing a kernel for your system, make sure you enable SquashFS support so it can mount squashed file systems
Use mksquashfs for creating read-only initial ram disks and/or root and/or other file systems
Don't forget to set file system types to squashfs in /etc/fstab and/or the startup scripts of your system for mounting squashed file systems
Floppy example. Let's say you have your floppy system tree at /home/user/floppylinux and you want to place the root file system on one floppy and /usr on another. What you should do is:
bash# cd /home/user |
Note 1: you can see here how we use the -e option to exclude the /usr directory for root file system's image.
Note 2: don't forget to specify squashfs in your root disk's /etc/fstab or startup scripts when mounting the /usr file system.
Insert a root disk in your 3.5" floppy drive (I assume you have a lilo or grub on it, and, thus, a file system exists on this floppy, and the root file system will reside under the /boot directory of this file system):
bash# mount /mnt/floppy |
When done, unmount the root floppy, change the floppy to a /usr disk and use dd to transfer the usr file system:
bash# dd if=usr.sqsh of=/dev/fd0 |
4.3.2. Squashed file systems on CD-ROMs
With SquashFS, you can compress large file systems that will be used in live CDs (just as an example). For this purpose SquashFS is also used with UnionFS.
Enable SquashFS in the linux kernel of the target system
Create a squashed root file system
Modify the /etc/fstab or startup scripts of the target system to mount the squashd file system when you need it
If you create a root file system out of a running Linux system, use the -e option for mksquashfs to exclude all pseudo-filesystems such as /proc, /sys (on linux kernels after 2.5.x) and /dev (when using DevFS). Also, don't forget to add the file system image itself that is being created with mksquashfs (I think you know the reasons for these exclusions).
4.4. Making it writeble
As mentioned, another interesting use for SquashFS is with Unionfs filesystem, which provides copy-on-write semantics for the read-only file systems, enahancing the possibilities. (For unionfs you can look at http://www.filesystems.org/project-unionfs.html)
Just to make an example, you may want to make your /home/user squashed, to compress and backup your files without losing the possibility to apply changes or writing new files.
Create the ro.fs squashed file system and the rw.fs dir.
bash# mksquashfs /home/user1 ro.fs |
Mount the squashed ro.fs file system using the loopback device
bash# mount -t squashfs ro.fs /mnt -o loop |
mount the unionfs file system, that makes /mnt and /home/rw.fs apparently merged under /home/user1 location.
bash# cd /home |
As you can see, now you can create new files in /home/user1.
bash# cd /home/user1 |
umount the unionfs and the squashfs file systems and list the content of /home/user1 and /home/rw.fs dir
bash# cd .. |
You can see that the new file1 was created in /home/rw.fs
When you want to add the new created files to the stable and compressed squashed file system, you have to add them to the exsisting one.
bash# mksquashfs /home/rw.fs /home/ro.fs |
Now, to mount your squashed user home directory at system startup, you can do as follow:
Make squashfs and unionfs modules loaded at boot time.
bash# echo squashfs >> /etc/modules |
Change the owner of the writeble branch to match user1.
chown user1 /home/rw.fs |
Add these lines to /etc/fstab file to mount squashfs and unionfs at boot time.
... |
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