Been doing a routine check of my servers, and noticed that our SharePoint server was lacking some free space. A little unusual, given our SharePoint installation is quite small. And although this server also acts as a Streaming Media server using Windows Media Services, I didn’t think that we had that much streaming media.

Turns out that the SharePoint_Config_Log file size was 78gb. This is around 80% of the drive that it is stored on. This meant that we had only 6gb remaining.

In this situation a full backup was not possible to truncate the logs. Symantec Backup Exec was still backing up the databases every night though. To cure this problem, a quick little fix:

  1. Open up Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. New Query
  3. Type in the following and press execute.
USE [master]
USE [SharePoint_Config] 
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('SharePoint_Config_Log')

Database size magically down from 78gb to 10mb.

Server is now happy, and running better.

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