OS:Ubuntu 10.10 (2G)

Servlet Container:tomcat-tomcat-7.0.23  (最大内存:default 256M  maxThreads:500)

Web server: apache2.2 (maxClient:250)


  1. 在/usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf中加载MPM配置(去掉前面的注释):
  2. # Server-pool management (MPM specific)
  3. Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
  4. 修改d-mpm.conf中对应module如下
  5. <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
  6. StartServers                      5
  7. MinSpareServers                   5
  8. MaxSpareServers                  10
  9. ServerLimit                     3000
  10. MaxClients                      2000
  11. MaxRequestsPerChild               0
  12. </IfModule>]


./ab -n 100000 -c 100 http://localhost/test


错误1:apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)

  1. apache2.2及以下版本
  2. 修改support下面的ab.c源代码, 大概在
  3. line 1369, 修改成
  4. 1368                 return;
  5. 1369             } else {
  6. 1370                 //apr_err("apr_socket_recv", status);
  7. 1371                 bad++;
  8. 1372                 close_connection(c);
  9. 1373                 return;
  10. 1374             }
  11. 然后编译安装

错误2:Too many open files (24)



  1. Benchmarking localhost (be patient)
  2. Completed 10000 requests
  3. Completed 20000 requests
  4. Completed 30000 requests
  5. Completed 40000 requests
  6. Completed 50000 requests
  7. Completed 60000 requests
  8. Completed 70000 requests
  9. Completed 80000 requests
  10. Completed 90000 requests
  11. Completed 100000 requests
  12. Finished 100000 requests
  13. Server Software:
  14. Server Hostname:        localhost
  15. Server Port:            80
  16. Document Path:          /test
  17. Document Length:        347 bytes
  18. Concurrency Level:      100
  19. Time taken for tests:   50.270 seconds
  20. Complete requests:      100000
  21. Failed requests:        0
  22. Write errors:           0
  23. Total transferred:      48712175 bytes
  24. HTML transferred:       34708675 bytes
  25. Requests per second:    1989.24 [#/sec] (mean)
  26. Time per request:       50.270 [ms] (mean)
  27. Time per request:       0.503 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
  28. Transfer rate:          946.29 [Kbytes/sec] received
  29. Connection Times (ms)
  30. min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
  31. Connect:        0   23  15.3     21     714
  32. Processing:     2   27  19.8     24     724
  33. Waiting:        1   22  15.4     20     714
  34. Total:          9   50  25.3     44     747
  35. Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  36. 50%     44
  37. 66%     49
  38. 75%     53
  39. 80%     55
  40. 90%     64
  41. 95%     73
  42. 98%     87
  43. 99%    101
  44. 100%    747 (longest request)

三、使用HTTP 后的benchmark

  1. Benchmarking localhost (be patient)
  2. Completed 10000 requests
  3. Completed 20000 requests
  4. Completed 30000 requests
  5. Completed 40000 requests
  6. Completed 50000 requests
  7. Completed 60000 requests
  8. Completed 70000 requests
  9. Completed 80000 requests
  10. Completed 90000 requests
  11. Completed 100000 requests
  12. Finished 100000 requests
  13. Server Software:        Apache-Coyote/1.1
  14. Server Hostname:        localhost
  15. Server Port:            80
  16. Document Path:          /test
  17. Document Length:        347 bytes
  18. Concurrency Level:      100
  19. Time taken for tests:   55.392 seconds
  20. Complete requests:      100000
  21. Failed requests:        0
  22. Write errors:           0
  23. Total transferred:      51415934 bytes
  24. HTML transferred:       34710757 bytes
  25. Requests per second:    1805.32 [#/sec] (mean)
  26. Time per request:       55.392 [ms] (mean)
  27. Time per request:       0.554 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
  28. Transfer rate:          906.47 [Kbytes/sec] received
  29. Connection Times (ms)
  30. min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
  31. Connect:        0   24  10.1     24     185
  32. Processing:     8   31  10.7     28     215
  33. Waiting:        1   26  10.0     24     198
  34. Total:         13   55  12.3     51     247
  35. Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  36. 50%     51
  37. 66%     54
  38. 75%     58
  39. 80%     60
  40. 90%     66
  41. 95%     74
  42. 98%     86
  43. 99%     99
  44. 100%    247 (longest request)


If integration with the native webserver is needed for any reason,
an AJP connector will provide faster performance than proxied HTTP.



可以参考下ajp协议的设计 http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy_ajp.html


1、ajp使用长连接保持webServer和servlet Container的通信,减少了建立tcp连接的开销。可以通过观察tomcat/manager 下serverStatus,ajp建立的连接都处于keepalive的状态。

2、ajp使用一定的协议格式,减少了传递的报文数据大小,节省了带宽。可以通过观察ajp和http 的benchmark报告重看到,Total transferred 一项有明显的区别。


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