


3、第一个例子 打印出“Hello World”

3.1  打开Qt-Creator

3.2 点击新建->弹出新建对话框,项目选择为:应用程序->Qt 控制台应用。

3.3 选择项目要保存的路径。

3.4 选择构建套件,此处主要是对Qt程序编译器的选择。

3.5 点击完成。

#include <QCoreApplication>



qDebug() << "Hello World";

1、 #include<QCoreApplication>

The QCoreApplication class provides an event loop for console Qt applications.

This class is used by non-GUI applications to provide their event loop. For non-GUI application that uses Qt, there should be exactly one QCoreApplication object. For GUI applications, see QApplication.

QCoreApplication contains the main event loop, where all events from the operating system (e.g., timer and network events) and other sources are processed and dispatched. It also handles the application's initialization and finalization, as well as system-wide and application-wide settings.


The QDebug class provides an output stream for debugging information.

QDebug is used whenever the developer needs to write out debugging or tracing information to a device, file, string or console.

In the common case, it is useful to call the qDebug() function to obtain a default QDebug object to use for writing debugging information。

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