- -- 数字转英文
- -- =============================================
- -- Author: qianjin036a
- -- Create date:06/14/2008 02:27:17
- -- Description:Arabic numerals to English
- -- =============================================
- Go
- --创建函数
- (
- @arabia decimal(38,17)
- )
- RETURNS varchar(1000)
- AS
- declare @atoe table(a int,e varchar(10))
- insert into @atoe select 0,'zero' union all select 1,'one'
- union all select 2,'two' union all select 3,'three'
- union all select 4,'four' union all select 5,'five'
- union all select 6,'six' union all select 7,'seven'
- union all select 8,'eight' union all select 9,'nine'
- declare @integer bigint,@trillion int,@billion int,@million int,@thousand int,@hundred int,@english varchar(1000)
- select @integer=@arabia,@english=''
- select @trillion=@integer % 1000000000000000/1000000000000,@billion=@integer % 1000000000000/1000000000,
- @million=@integer % 1000000000/1000000,@thousand=(@integer % 1000000)/1000,@hundred=(@integer % 1000)
- if @trillion>0
- set @english=@english + dbo.ThreeDigit(@trillion) + 'trillion '
- if @billion>0
- set @english=@english + dbo.ThreeDigit(@billion) + 'billion '
- if @million>0
- set @english=@english + dbo.ThreeDigit(@million) + 'million '
- if @thousand>0
- set @english=@english + dbo.ThreeDigit(@thousand) + 'thousand '
- if @hundred>0
- set @english=@english + dbo.ThreeDigit(@hundred)
- if @english=''
- set @english='zero '
- if @arabia-@integer>0.000000000
- begin
- declare @decimal decimal(18,17)
- select @english=@english+'point ',@decimal=@arabia-@integer
- while @decimal>0.0
- begin
- select @english=@english+e+' ' from @atoe where cast(@decimal*10 as int)=a
- set @decimal=@decimal*10-cast(@decimal*10 as int)
- end
- end
- return @english
- GO
- -- =============================================
- -- Author: qianjin036a
- -- Create date: 06/14/2008 02:27:17
- -- Description: Three Digit Arabic numerals to English
- -- =============================================
- (
- @integer int
- )
- RETURNS varchar(100)
- AS
- declare @atoe table(a int,e varchar(10))
- insert into @atoe select 0,'zero' union all select 1,'one'
- union all select 2,'two' union all select 3,'three'
- union all select 4,'four' union all select 5,'five'
- union all select 6,'six' union all select 7,'seven'
- union all select 8,'eight' union all select 9,'nine'
- union all select 10,'ten' union all select 11,'eleven'
- union all select 12,'twelve' union all select 13,'thirteen'
- union all select 14,'fourteen' union all select 15,'fifteen'
- union all select 16,'sixteen' union all select 17,'seventeen'
- union all select 18,'eighteen' union all select 19,'nineteen'
- union all select 20,'twenty' union all select 30,'thirty'
- union all select 40,'forty' union all select 50,'fifty'
- union all select 60,'sixty' union all select 70,'severty'
- union all select 80,'eighty' union all select 90,'ninety'
- declare @english varchar(100)
- set @english=''
- if @integer>99
- begin
- select @english=e+' hundred ' from @atoe where @integer/100=a
- set @integer=@integer % 100
- if @integer>0
- set @english=@english+'and '
- end
- if @integer<=20 and @integer>0
- select @english=@english+e+' ' from @atoe where @integer=a
- if @integer>20
- begin
- select @english=@english+e+' ' from @atoe where @integer/10*10=a
- set @integer=@integer % 10
- if @integer>0
- select @english=@english+e+' ' from @atoe where @integer=a
- end
- RETURN @english
- GO
- select dbo.digit2english(123456789987654.321)
- union all select dbo.digit2english(120045080045054.8412)
- union all select dbo.digit2english(0.0102541)
- go
- /*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- one hundred and twenty three trillion four hundred and fifty six billion seven hundred and eighty nine million nine hundred and eighty seven thousand six hundred and fifty four point three two one
- one hundred and twenty trillion forty five billion eighty million forty five thousand fifty four point eight four one two
- zero point zero one zero two five four one
- */
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