public static string Combine (string path1, string path2);


The combined paths.

If one of the specified paths is a zero-length string, this method returns the other path.

If path2 contains an absolute path, this method returns path2.


A rooted path is file path that is fixed to a specific drive or UNIC path; it contrasts with a path that is relative to the current drive or working directory.

For example, on Windows systems, a rooted path begins with a backslash (for example, "\Documents") or a drive letter and colon (for example, "C:Documents").

Note that rooted paths can be either absolute (that is, fully qualified) or relative.

An absolute rooted path is a fully qualified path from the root of a drive to a specific directory.

A relative rooted path specifies a drive, but its fully qualified path is resolved against the current directory.

The following example illustrates the difference.

using System;
using System.IO; class Program
static void Main()
string relative1 = "C:Documents";
ShowPathInfo(relative1); string relative2 = "/Documents";
ShowPathInfo(relative2); string absolute = "C:/Documents";
} private static void ShowPathInfo(string path)
Console.WriteLine($"Path: {path}");
Console.WriteLine($" Rooted: {Path.IsPathRooted(path)}");
Console.WriteLine($" Fully qualified: {Path.IsPathFullyQualified(path)}");
Console.WriteLine($" Full path: {Path.GetFullPath(path)}");
// The example displays the following output when run on a Windows system:
// Path: C:Documents
// Rooted: True
// Fully qualified: False
// Full path: c:\Users\user1\Documents\projects\path\ispathrooted\Documents
// Path: /Documents
// Rooted: True
// Fully qualified: False
// Full path: c:\Documents
// Path: C:/Documents
// Rooted: True
// Fully qualified: True
// Full path: C:\Documents

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