
%% generate data

prettySpiral = 0;

if ~prettySpiral
% generate some random gaussian like data
rand('state', 0);
randn('state', 0);
N= 50;
D= 2; X1 = mgd(N, D, [4 3], [2 -1;-1 2]);
X2 = mgd(N, D, [1 1], [2 1;1 1]);
X3 = mgd(N, D, [3 -3], [1 0;0 4]); X= [X1; X2; X3];
X= bsxfun(@rdivide, bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X)), var(X));
y= [ones(N, 1); ones(N, 1)*2; ones(N, 1)*3]; scatter(X(:,1), X(:,2), 20, y) else
% generate twirl data! N= 50;
t = linspace(0.5, 2*pi, N);
x = t.*cos(t);
y = t.*sin(t); t = linspace(0.5, 2*pi, N);
x2 = t.*cos(t+2);
y2 = t.*sin(t+2); t = linspace(0.5, 2*pi, N);
x3 = t.*cos(t+4);
y3 = t.*sin(t+4); X= [[x' y']; [x2' y2']; [x3' y3']];
X= bsxfun(@rdivide, bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X)), var(X));
y= [ones(N, 1); ones(N, 1)*2; ones(N, 1)*3]; scatter(X(:,1), X(:,2), 20, y)
end %% classify
rho = 1;
c1 =10;
c2 =10;
epsilon = 0.2;
threshold = 0; result=[];
% ker = 'linear';
ker = 'rbf';
sigma = 1/10;%sigma = 1/200;
par = NonLinearDualBoundSVORIM(X, y, c1, c2, epsilon, rho, ker, sigma);
%f = TestPrecisionNonLinear(par,X, y,X, y, ker,epsilon,sigma); %% Plot the figure
contour_level = [-epsilon,0, epsilon];
xrange = [-1.5 1.5];
yrange = [-1.5 1.5];
% step size for how finely you want to visualize the decision boundary.
inc = 0.005;
% generate grid coordinates. this will be the basis of the decision
% boundary visualization.
[x1, x2] = meshgrid(xrange(1):inc:xrange(2), yrange(1):inc:yrange(2));
% size of the (x, y) image, which will also be the size of the
% decision boundary image that is used as the plot background.
image_size = size(x1); xy = [x1(:) x2(:)]; % make (x,y) pairs as a bunch of row vectors. % set up the domain over which you want to visualize the decision
% boundary
% d = [];
% for k=1:max(y)
% par.normw{k}=1;
% d(:,k) = decisionfun(xy, par, X,y,k,epsilon, ker,sigma)';
% end
% [~,idx] = min(abs(d)/par.normw{k},[],2);
% nd=max(y); nd = (max(y)*(max(y)-1)/2);
d = []; pred=zeros(size(xy,1),nd);
for k=1:nd
d(:,k) = decisionfun(xy, par, X,y,k,epsilon, ker,sigma)';
pred(d<-threshold) = -1; pred(d >threshold) = 1;
nclass = max(y);
expLosses=zeros(size(pred,1),nclass); for i=1:nclass,
expLosses(:,i) = sum(pred == repmat(par.Code(i,:),size(pred,1),1),2);
[minVal,finalOutput] = max(expLosses,[],2);
idx = finalOutput; plt = 2; %1, just show the decison region with different colors; 2, show the decision hyperlane between class 1 and class 3
switch plt
case 1
% reshape the idx (which contains the class label) into an image.
decisionmap = reshape(idx, image_size);
% plot the class training data.
hold on;
cmap = [1 0.8 0.8; 0.95 1 0.95; 0.9 0.9 1];
plot(X(y==1,1), X(y==1,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.9 .3 .3], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k');
plot(X(y==2,1), X(y==2,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 .9 .3], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k');
plot(X(y==3,1), X(y==3,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 .3 .9], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k');
hold on;
% title(sprintf('%d trees, Train time: %.2fs, Test time: %.2fs\n', opts.numTrees, timetrain, timetest));
case 2
%% show SVs
color = {[.9 .3 .3],[.3 .9 .3],[.3 .3 .9]};
SVs = (par.SVs{2}>1e-4);
for i=1:max(y)
% show the SVs using biger marker
plot(X(y==i&SVs==1,1),X(y==i&SVs==1,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', color{i}, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k');
hold on
% plot the points of not SVs
plot(X(y==i&SVs~=1,1),X(y==i&SVs~=1,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', color{i}, 'MarkerEdgeColor',color{i});
hold on;
title(sprintf('Ratio of SVs is %.2fs\n', mean(SVs)));
color = {'r-','g-','b*','r.','go','b*'};
color1 = {'r-','g--','b*','r.','go','b*'};
contour_level1 = [-epsilon, 0, epsilon];
contour_level2 = [-epsilon, 0, epsilon];
contour_level0 = [-1,0,1];
% for k = 1:nd
for k=2
decisionmapk = reshape(d(:,k), image_size);
contour(x1,x2, decisionmapk, [-1 1], color1{k},'LineWidth',0.5);
contour(x1,x2, decisionmapk, [contour_level(1) contour_level(1)], color{k});
contour(x1,x2, decisionmapk, [contour_level(2) contour_level(2) ], color{k},'LineWidth',2);
contour(x1,x2, decisionmapk, [contour_level(3) contour_level(3) ], color{k});
contour(x1,x2, decisionmapk, [contour_level0(3) contour_level0(3) ], color1{k},'LineWidth',0.5);
function par = NonLinearDualBoundSVORIM(traindata, targets, c1, c2, epsilon, rho, ker, sigma)
%'traindata' is a training data matrix , each line is a sample vector
%'targets' is a label vector,should start from 1 to p
% rho is the augmented Lagrangian parameter. % history is a structure that contains the objective value, the primal and
% dual residual norms, and the tolerances for the primal and dual residual
% norms at each iteration. %Data preprocessing
[n, m] = size(traindata);
p=length(Lab); % the number of total rank
l= zeros(1,p);
Id = [];
while i<=p
Id = [Id, id{i}];
[~,Id0]=sort(Id); lc=cumsum(l); w = [];
b = []; s = cell(1,p);
r = cell(1,p); K=Kernel(ker, X',X',sigma);
K=(K+K')/2; nch = nchoosek([1:p],2);
Code = zeros(p,size(nch,1)); for k =1:size(nch,1)
Code(nch(k,:),k) = [-1,1];
i = nch(k,1); j =nch(k,2);
s{k} =lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i);
r{k} = lc(j)-l(j)+1:lc(j);
c{k} = [1:n];
c{k}([lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i) lc(j)-l(j)+1:lc(j)]) = [];
Ak = X(c{k},:);
Lk = X(s{k},:);
Rk =X(r{k},:);
row=[c{k} c{k} s{k} r{k}];
Hk = K(row,row);
% model= subSVOR(Ak,Hk,Lk,Rk,c1, c2, epsilon, rho);
model = subSVOR_quadgrog(Ak, Hk, Lk,Rk,c1, c2, epsilon); P{k} = model.P;
p0{k} = model.p;
alpha{k} = model.alpha;
alphax{k}= model.alphax;
normw{k} = model.normw;
time(k) = model.time;
b(k,1) = model.b;
Id1= [s{k} c{k} r{k}];
SVs{k}= model.SVs(Id1);
par.l= s;
par.r = r;
par.c= c;
par.P = P;
par.p = p0;
par.alpha = alpha;
par.alphax = alphax;
par.normw = normw;
par.time = time;
par.b = b;
par.maxtime = max(par.time);
par.SVs = SVs;
par.Code = Code;
% par.w = w;
% par.b = b; end function par = subSVOR_quadgrog(Ak, H, Lk,Rk, c1, c2, epsilon) t_start = tic;
%Global constants and defaults
QUIET = 0; m = size(Ak,2);
lk = size(Ak,1);
rk1 = size(Lk,1);
rk2 = size(Rk,1);
rk = rk1+rk2;
%ADMM solver
mP=2*lk +rk; %dimension of Phi
mG=4*lk + 2*rk; %dimension of Gamma
mU=mG+1; %dimension of U
mp1 = 1 : lk;
mp2 = lk+1 : 2*lk;
mp3 = 2*lk+1: mP; c= zeros(mU,1);
c([mp1 mp2]+1) = c1;
c(mp3+1) = c2; q = ones(mP,1);
q(mp1) = epsilon;
q(mp2) = epsilon;
q(mp3) = -1; p = ones(mP,1);
p(mp2) = -1;
p(mP-rk2+1:mP) = -1; % H = [Ak; -Ak; Bk{1}; -Bk{2}]*[Ak; -Ak; Bk{1}; -Bk{2}]'; %linear Kernel
% Qk=[Ak; Ak; Lk; Rk]; % H= Kernel(ker, Qk',Qk',sigma);
% H=(H'+H)/2+1;
H0 = (H+1).*(p*p'); % % options = optimoptions('quadprog',...
% % 'Algorithm','interior-point-convex','Display','off');
options = optimoptions('quadprog',...
% % x = quadprog(H,f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options)
A = []; b = []; f = q; Aeq =[]; beq = []; lb = zeros(mP,1); ub = c(2:mP+1); x0 = [];
P = quadprog(H0,f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options); % diagnostics, reporting, termination checks par.P= P;
par.p= p;
par.alpha = P(mp1);
par.alphax = P(mp2);
par.SVs = [P3(1:rk1);abs(P(mp1)-P(mp2));P3(rk1+1:rk1+rk2)];
% par.normw = sqrt(P'*(H0.*(p'*p))*P);
par.normw =1;
bk =(p'*P);
par.b =bk; % switch ker
% case 'linear'
% par.w = [Ak; -Ak; Bk{1}; -Bk{2}]'*P;
% b1 = Ak(P(mp1)~=0,:)* par.w-epsilon;
% b2 = Ak(P(mp2)~=0,:)* par.w+epsilon;
% par.b = mean([b1;b2]);
% end if ~QUIET
par.time = toc(t_start);
end end function [par, history] = subSVOR(Ak,H, Lk,Rk, c1, c2, epsilon, rho)
%'traindata' is a training data matrix , each line is a sample vector
%'targets' is a label vector,should start from 1 to p % rho is the augmented Lagrangian parameter. % history is a structure that contains the objective value, the primal and
% dual residual norms, and the tolerances for the primal and dual residual
% norms at each iteration. t_start = tic; %Data preprocessing %Global constants and defaults
QUIET = 0;
MAX_ITER = 200;
% ABSTOL = 1e-4;
% RELTOL = 1e-2;
ABSTOL = 1e-6;
RELTOL = 1e-3; lk = size(Ak,1);
rk1 = size(Lk,1);
rk2 = size(Rk,1);
rk = rk1+rk2; %ADMM solver
mP=2*lk +rk; %dimension of Phi
mG=4*lk + 2*rk; %dimension of Gamma
mU=mG; %dimension of U
P = zeros(mP,1); %Phi={ w,b, xi, xi*}
G = zeros(mG,1); %Gamma={eta,eta*,delta, phi, phi*}
U = zeros(mU,1); %U- -update mp1 = 1 : lk;
mp2 = lk+1 : 2*lk;
mp3 = 2*lk+1: mP; c= zeros(mU,1);
c([mp1 mp2]) = c1;
c(mp3) = c2; q = ones(mP,1);
q(mp1) = epsilon;
q(mp2) = epsilon;
q(mp3) = -1; p = ones(mP,1);
p(mp2) = -1;
p(mP-rk2+1:mP) = -1; % H = [Ak; -Ak; Bk{1}; -Bk{2}]*[Ak; -Ak; Bk{1}; -Bk{2}]'; %linear Kernel % Qk=[Ak; Ak; Lk; Rk]; % H0= Kernel(ker, Qk',Qk',sigma);%Kernel Matrix of Bound SVM
% H = (H0+1).*(p*p');
% H0= Kernel(ker, Qk',Qk',sigma);%Kernel Matrix of Bound SVM
H = (H+1).*(p*p'); k=1;
while k <=MAX_ITER
%Phi={ w,b, xi, xi*}-update
V = U + B(mP,G) - c;
br = - q - rho * AtX(mP,V);
[P, niters] = cgsolve(H, br, rho); %Gamma={eta,eta*,delta, phi, phi*}-update with relaxation
Gold = G;
G = pos(Bt(mP,c-AX(P)-U)); %U- -update
r = AX(P) + B(mP,G) - c;
U = U + r;
% history.objval(k) = objective(H,P,q);
s = rho*AtX(mP,B(mP,G - Gold));
history.r_norm(k) = norm(r);
history.s_norm(k) = norm(s); history.eps_pri(k) = sqrt(mU)*ABSTOL + RELTOL*max([norm(AX(P)), norm(B(mP,G)), norm(c)]);
history.eps_dual(k)= sqrt(mP)*ABSTOL + RELTOL*norm(rho*AtX(mP,U)); if history.r_norm(k) < history.eps_pri(k) && ...
history.s_norm(k) < history.eps_dual(k);
k = k+1;
end if ~QUIET
par.time = toc(t_start);
end par.P= P;
par.p= p;
par.alpha = P(mp1);
par.alphax = P(mp2);
% par.normw = sqrt(P'*(H0.*(p'*p))*P);
bk =(p'*P); par.b =bk; if ~QUIET
par.time = toc(t_start);
end end % function obj = objective(H,P,q)
% obj = 1/2 * vHv(H,P) + q'*P;
% end function [x, niters] = cgsolve(H, b,rho,tol, maxiters)
% cgsolve : Solve Ax=b by conjugate gradients
% Given symmetric positive definite sparse matrix A and vector b,
% this runs conjugate gradient to solve for x in A*x=b.
% It iterates until the residual norm is reduced by 10^-6,
% or for at most max(100,sqrt(n)) iterations n = length(b); if (nargin < 4)
tol = 1e-6;
maxiters = max(100,sqrt(n));
elseif(nargin < 5)
maxiters = max(100,sqrt(n));
end normb = norm(b);
x = zeros(n,1);
r = b;
rtr = r'*r;
d = r;
niters = 0;
while sqrt(rtr)/normb > tol && niters < maxiters
niters = niters+1;
% Ad = A*d;
Ad = AtAX(H, d,rho);
alpha = rtr / (d'*Ad);
x = x + alpha * d;
r = r - alpha * Ad;
rtrold = rtr;
rtr = r'*r;
beta = rtr / rtrold;
d = r + beta * d;
end %Ad = A*d
function Ad = AtAX(H, d,rho)
Ad = H*d +2* rho*d;
end function F = AtX(mP,V)
F = V(1:mP)+V(mP+1:end);
end function h = AX(P)
h = [P;P];
end function h = vHv(H,d)
h = d'*(H*d) ;
end function Bv= B(mP,v)
Bv(:,1) = [v(1:mP);-v(mP+1:end)];
end function Btd = Bt(mP,d)
Btd = [d(1:mP);-d(mP+1:end)];
end function A = pos(A)



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