14. Longest Common Prefix
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
  1. 判断非空的情况在进行计算
  2. 取第一个字符串最为标杆进行对比,因为最终结果一定在第一位中
  3. 用第一个串进行逐个对比出最长的串
public class Solution {
public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {
if(strs==null || strs.length==0)
return "";
String pr= strs[0]; for(int i =1;i<strs.length;i++){
int j=0; while(j<pr.length()&&j<strs[i].length()&&pr.charAt(j)==strs[i].charAt(j)){
return "";
pr =pr.substring(0,j);
} return pr;


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