

"egg" 与"add"的数字都是122

"foo"是122, 而"bar"是123

 class Solution {
bool isIsomorphic(string s, string t) {
int hs[] = {};
int ht[] = {};
if (s.size() != t.size()) return false;
int o = ;
for (int i =;i<s.size(); ++i)
if(hs[s[i]] == ) hs[s[i]] = ++o;
o = ;
for (int i =;i<t.size(); ++i)
if(ht[t[i]] == ) ht[t[i]] = ++o;
for (int i = ;i<s.size(); ++i){
if(hs[s[i]] != ht[t[i]]) return false;
return true;

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