参考:dpdk getting started


Ubuntu 14.04


执行 uname -a

Linux chen-VirtualBox 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Using the Data Plane Development Kit



(1) wget www.dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/snapshot/dpdk-2.1.0.tar.gz

(2) sudo apt-get www.dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/snapshot/dpdk-2.1.0.tar.gz

(3) yum install www.dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/snapshot/dpdk-2.1.0.tar.gz

Ubuntu系统下选择(1) 或者 (2),等待五分钟安装完毕。


tar zxvf dpdk-2.1.0.tar.gz


cd dpdk-2.1.0

检查CPU设置 Check the CPU configurations.

cd tools


检查NIC配置 Check the NIC configurations.

./dpdk_nic_bind.py --status


Set up the DPDK

setup.sh is a useful utility that guides you through the process of compiling DPDK and configuring your system. To run it you need to be the root, and from the tools directory simply type:



RTE_SDK exported as /admin/software_installfiles/dpdk-2.1.0
Step 1: Select the DPDK environment to build
[1] i686-native-linuxapp-gcc
[2] i686-native-linuxapp-icc
[3] ppc_64-power8-linuxapp-gcc
[4] tile-tilegx-linuxapp-gcc
[5] x86_64-ivshmem-linuxapp-gcc
[6] x86_64-ivshmem-linuxapp-icc
[7] x86_64-native-bsdapp-clang
[8] x86_64-native-bsdapp-gcc
[9] x86_64-native-linuxapp-clang
[10] x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
[11] x86_64-native-linuxapp-icc
[12] x86_x32-native-linuxapp-gcc ----------------------------------------------------------
Step 2: Setup linuxapp environment
[13] Insert IGB UIO module
[14] Insert VFIO module
[15] Insert KNI module
[16] Setup hugepage mappings for non-NUMA systems
[17] Setup hugepage mappings for NUMA systems
[18] Display current Ethernet device settings
[19] Bind Ethernet device to IGB UIO module
[20] Bind Ethernet device to VFIO module
[21] Setup VFIO permissions ----------------------------------------------------------
Step 3: Run test application for linuxapp environment
[22] Run test application ($RTE_TARGET/app/test)
[23] Run testpmd application in interactive mode ($RTE_TARGET/app/testpmd) ----------------------------------------------------------
Step 4: Other tools
[24] List hugepage info from /proc/meminfo
Step 5: Uninstall and system cleanup
[25] Uninstall all targets
[26] Unbind NICs from IGB UIO or VFIO driver
[27] Remove IGB UIO module
[28] Remove VFIO module
[29] Remove KNI module
[30] Remove hugepage mappings [31] Exit Script Option:


首先选择DPDK环境进行编译,一般选择Option 10.


设置linux app环境,Option 13,加载最新的IGB UIO模型,并编译它的驱动。


关于IGB UIO:IGB UIO is a DPDK kernel module which deals with PCI enumeration and handles links status interrupts in user mode, instead of being handled by the kernel.

接下来设置 Huge page mappings。需要根据在预准备阶段跑的命令./cpu_layout.py所显示的socket个数进行选择。

我的socket个数为0,选择 Option 16. 在教程内选择的是Option 17.

选择了 Option 16,在跳出来的选项中输入128.

注意:如果选择了Option 17,那么根据原教程需要输入两次128。

接下来查看当前的以太网设置,Option 18:

Option 19,从Linux kernel driver中解耦出网卡,再通过Option 13绑定到IGB UIO模型(视频教程中没有进行选项13的操作,这里根据视频教程来)。

Option 19:

注意:Option 19,需要输入一个PCI的地址,这个地址需要在弹出的内容中找到有igb.uio的选项。



Option 18:

使用Option 24测试下:

Option 31 退出。


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