c# XML序列化与反序列化



    public class People     



  public string Name         { set; get; }         


  public int Age         { set; get; }     



public class Student : People     



public string Class         { set; get; }         


public int Number         { set; get; }     


void Main(string[] args)


     Student stu = new Student()            


           Age = 10,                 

    Class = "Class One",                 

    Name = "Tom",                 

    Number = 1             


XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Student));             

ser.Serialize(File.Create("C:\\x.xml"), stu);



            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Student));             

    Student stu = ser.Deserialize(File.OpenRead("C:\\x.xml")) as Student;


    public class People     



public string Name         { set; get; }         


public int Age         { set; get; }     }     


public class Student : People     



public string Class         { set; get; }         


public int Number         { set; get; }     }

void Main(string[] args)


            List<Student> stuList = new List<Student>();             

    stuList.Add(new Student() { Age = 10, Number = 1, Name = "Tom", Class = "Class One" });             

    stuList.Add(new Student() { Age = 11, Number = 2, Name = "Jay", Class = "Class Two" });             

    stuList.Add(new Student() { Age = 12, Number = 3, Name = "Pet", Class = "Class One" });            

     stuList.Add(new Student() { Age = 13, Number = 4, Name = "May", Class = "Class Three" });             

    stuList.Add(new Student() { Age = 14, Number = 5, Name = "Soy", Class = "Class Two" });             

    XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Student>));             

           ser.Serialize(File.Create("C:\\x.xml"), stuList);



            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Student>));             

    List<Student> stuList = ser.Deserialize(File.OpenRead("C:\\x.xml")) as List<Student>;             

    foreach (Student s in stuList)             


        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} : {1} : {2} : {3}",                     

        s.Name, s.Age, s.Class, s.Number));             }


    public struct DirectionList  



public string Name;         


public int Value;     }

void Main(string[] args)


            Dictionary<string, int> list = new Dictionary<string, int>();             

    list.Add("1", 100);               

    list.Add("2", 200);            

     list.Add("3", 300);            

     list.Add("4", 400);             

    list.Add("5", 500);             

    list.Add("6", 600);             

    list.Add("7", 700);             

    list.Add("8", 800);             

    list.Add("9", 900);

            List<DirectionList> dirList = new List<DirectionList>();             

    foreach (var s in list)            


      dirList.Add(new DirectionList() { Name = s.Key, Value = s.Value });             


    XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<DirectionList>));             

    ser.Serialize(File.Create("C:\\x.xml"), dirList);






       XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<DirectionList>));             

    List<DirectionList> dirList = ser.Deserialize(                 

    File.OpenRead("C:\\x.xml")) as List<DirectionList>;             

    foreach (var v in dirList)             


      Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", v.Name, v.Value);             





    public struct ImageStruct    



  public int number;        


  public byte[] picture;     }

  void Main(string[] args)


      ImageStruct s = new ImageStruct() { number = 1, picture = File.ReadAllBytes(@"11.jpg") };             

    XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ImageStruct));             

    FileStream fs = File.Create("c:\\x.xml");             

    ser.Serialize(fs, s);             





       XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ImageStruct));             

    ImageStruct s = (ImageStruct)ser.Deserialize(File.OpenRead("c:\\x.xml"));             

    pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(s.picture));



    public struct ImageStruct     



    public int number;         


    public byte[] picture;     }

    void Main(string[] args)


       List<ImageStruct> imageList = new List<ImageStruct>();             

    imageList.Add(new ImageStruct()             


    number = 1,                 

    picture = File.ReadAllBytes(@"11.jpg")             


    imageList.Add(new ImageStruct()            


      number = 2,                 

      picture = File.ReadAllBytes(@"22.jpg")             


            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<ImageStruct>));             

    FileStream fs = File.Create("c:\\x.xml");             

    ser.Serialize(fs, imageList);             




            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<ImageStruct>));             

    List<ImageStruct> s = (List<ImageStruct>)ser.Deserialize(File.OpenRead("c:\\x.xml"));             

    var im = from i in s                      

    where i.number == 1                      select i.picture;

            //var im = s.Where(p => p.number == 1).Select(p => p.picture);             

    foreach (var image in im)             


      pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(image));             



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