C - C

CodeForces - 991C


After passing a test, Vasya got himself a box of n candies. He decided to eat an equal amount of candies each morning until there are no more candies. However, Petya also noticed the box and decided to get some candies for himself.

This means the process of eating candies is the following: in the beginning Vasya chooses a single integer k, same for all days. After that, in the morning he eats k candies from the box (if there are less than k candies in the box, he eats them all), then in the evening Petya eats 10% of the candies remaining in the box. If there are still candies left in the box, the process repeats — next day Vasya eats k candies again, and Petya — 10% of the candies left in a box, and so on.

If the amount of candies in the box is not divisible by 10, Petya rounds the amount he takes from the box down. For example, if there were 97 candies in the box, Petya would eat only 9 of them. In particular, if there are less than 10 candies in a box, Petya won't eat any at all.

Your task is to find out the minimal amount of k that can be chosen by Vasya so that he would eat at least half of the n candies he initially got. Note that the number k must be integer.

The first line contains a single integer n (1≤n≤1018) — the initial amount of candies in the box. Output
Output a single integer — the minimal amount of k that would allow Vasya to eat at least half of candies he got. Example
In the sample, the amount of candies, with k=3, would change in the following way (Vasya eats first): 68→65→59→56→51→48→44→41→37→34→31→28→26→23→21→18→17→14→13→10→9→6→6→3→3→0. In total, Vasya would eat 39 candies, while Petya — 29.



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int main()
ll n,l,r,mid,x,tmp,cnt,sum,ans=1e18;
if(mid==0) {l+=1;continue;}//如果枚举出0,那么肯定是不可以的,所以l+1
if(tmp>=mid) tmp-=mid,sum+=mid;//如果剩余的大于mid,那么减去mid,否则,直接取完
else sum+=tmp,tmp=0;
if(sum>=x) break;//如果a取的蛋糕比n的一半还要多,那么这个mid是可以的
if(tmp==0) {sum=-1;break;}
if(sum!=-1) r=mid-1,ans=min(ans,mid);//如果mid满足条件,更新ans
else l=mid+1;
return 0;


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