- public class SvnUtil {
- private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SvnUtil.class);
- /**
- * 通过不同的协议初始化版本库
- */
- public static void setupLibrary() {
- DAVRepositoryFactory.setup();
- SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl.setup();
- FSRepositoryFactory.setup();
- }
- /**
- * 验证登录svn
- */
- public static SVNClientManager authSvn(String svnRoot, String username,
- String password) {
- // 初始化版本库
- setupLibrary();
- // 创建库连接
- SVNRepository repository = null;
- try {
- repository = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(SVNURL
- .parseURIEncoded(svnRoot));
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- return null;
- }
- // 身份验证
- ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = SVNWCUtil
- .createDefaultAuthenticationManager(username, password);
- // 创建身份验证管理器
- repository.setAuthenticationManager(authManager);
- DefaultSVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
- SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(options,
- authManager);
- return clientManager;
- }
- /**
- * Make directory in svn repository
- * @param clientManager
- * @param url
- * eg:
- * @param commitMessage
- * @return
- * @throws SVNException
- */
- public static SVNCommitInfo makeDirectory(SVNClientManager clientManager,
- SVNURL url, String commitMessage) {
- try {
- return clientManager.getCommitClient().doMkDir(
- new SVNURL[] { url }, commitMessage);
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Imports an unversioned directory into a repository location denoted by a
- * destination URL
- * @param clientManager
- * @param localPath
- * a local unversioned directory or singal file that will be imported into a
- * repository;
- * @param dstURL
- * a repository location where the local unversioned directory/file will be
- * imported into
- * @param commitMessage
- * @param isRecursive 递归
- * @return
- */
- public static SVNCommitInfo importDirectory(SVNClientManager clientManager,
- File localPath, SVNURL dstURL, String commitMessage,
- boolean isRecursive) {
- try {
- return clientManager.getCommitClient().doImport(localPath, dstURL,
- commitMessage, null, true, true,
- SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive));
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Puts directories and files under version control
- * @param clientManager
- * SVNClientManager
- * @param wcPath
- * work copy path
- */
- public static void addEntry(SVNClientManager clientManager, File wcPath) {
- try {
- clientManager.getWCClient().doAdd(new File[] { wcPath }, true,
- false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false, false,
- true);
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Collects status information on a single Working Copy item
- * @param clientManager
- * @param wcPath
- * local item's path
- * @param remote
- * true to check up the status of the item in the repository,
- * that will tell if the local item is out-of-date (like '-u' option in the SVN client's
- * 'svn status' command), otherwise false
- * @return
- * @throws SVNException
- */
- public static SVNStatus showStatus(SVNClientManager clientManager,
- File wcPath, boolean remote) {
- SVNStatus status = null;
- try {
- status = clientManager.getStatusClient().doStatus(wcPath, remote);
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- return status;
- }
- /**
- * Commit work copy's change to svn
- * @param clientManager
- * @param wcPath
- * working copy paths which changes are to be committed
- * @param keepLocks
- * whether to unlock or not files in the repository
- * @param commitMessage
- * commit log message
- * @return
- * @throws SVNException
- */
- public static SVNCommitInfo commit(SVNClientManager clientManager,
- File wcPath, boolean keepLocks, String commitMessage) {
- try {
- return clientManager.getCommitClient().doCommit(
- new File[] { wcPath }, keepLocks, commitMessage, null,
- null, false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY);
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Updates a working copy (brings changes from the repository into the working copy).
- * @param clientManager
- * @param wcPath
- * working copy path
- * @param updateToRevision
- * revision to update to
- * @param depth
- * update的深度:目录、子目录、文件
- * @return
- * @throws SVNException
- */
- public static long update(SVNClientManager clientManager, File wcPath,
- SVNRevision updateToRevision, SVNDepth depth) {
- SVNUpdateClient updateClient = clientManager.getUpdateClient();
- /*
- * sets externals not to be ignored during the update
- */
- updateClient.setIgnoreExternals(false);
- /*
- * returns the number of the revision wcPath was updated to
- */
- try {
- return updateClient.doUpdate(wcPath, updateToRevision,depth, false, false);
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * recursively checks out a working copy from url into wcDir
- * @param clientManager
- * @param url
- * a repository location from where a Working Copy will be checked out
- * @param revision
- * the desired revision of the Working Copy to be checked out
- * @param destPath
- * the local path where the Working Copy will be placed
- * @param depth
- * checkout的深度,目录、子目录、文件
- * @return
- * @throws SVNException
- */
- public static long checkout(SVNClientManager clientManager, SVNURL url,
- SVNRevision revision, File destPath, SVNDepth depth) {
- SVNUpdateClient updateClient = clientManager.getUpdateClient();
- /*
- * sets externals not to be ignored during the checkout
- */
- updateClient.setIgnoreExternals(false);
- /*
- * returns the number of the revision at which the working copy is
- */
- try {
- return updateClient.doCheckout(url, destPath, revision, revision,depth, false);
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * 确定path是否是一个工作空间
- * @param path
- * @return
- */
- public static boolean isWorkingCopy(File path){
- if(!path.exists()){
- logger.warn("'" + path + "' not exist!");
- return false;
- }
- try {
- if(null == SVNWCUtil.getWorkingCopyRoot(path, false)){
- return false;
- }
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- logger.error(e.getErrorMessage(), e);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * 确定一个URL在SVN上是否存在
- * @param url
- * @return
- */
- public static boolean isURLExist(SVNURL url,String username,String password){
- try {
- SVNRepository svnRepository = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(url);
- ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(username, password);
- svnRepository.setAuthenticationManager(authManager);
- SVNNodeKind nodeKind = svnRepository.checkPath("", -1);
- return nodeKind == SVNNodeKind.NONE ? false : true;
- } catch (SVNException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static SVNRepository getRepository(String url, String username, String password) {
- DAVRepositoryFactory.setup();
- SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl.setup();
- SVNRepository repository = null;
- SVNNodeKind nodeKind = null;
- try {
- repository = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(url));
- ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(username, password);
- repository.setAuthenticationManager(authManager);
- nodeKind = repository.checkPath("", -1);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- if (nodeKind == SVNNodeKind.NONE) {
- throw new RuntimeException("There is no entry at '" + url + "'.");
- } else if (nodeKind == SVNNodeKind.FILE) {
- throw new RuntimeException("The entry at '" + url + "' is a file while a directory was expected.");
- }
- return repository;
- }
- }
- public String Checkout(Model model) throws Exception {
- //初始化支持svn://协议的库。 必须先执行此操作。
- SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl.setup();
- //相关变量赋值
- SVNURL repositoryURL = null;
- try {
- repositoryURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnurl);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- //
- }
- String name = "test";//用户名
- String password = "123456";//密码
- ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
- //实例化客户端管理类
- ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(
- (DefaultSVNOptions) options, name, password);
- //要把版本库的内容check out到的目录
- File wcDir = new File(localurl);
- long workingVersion = -1;
- try {
- workingVersion = SvnUtil.checkout(ourClientManager, repositoryURL, SVNRevision.HEAD, wcDir, SVNDepth.INFINITY);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- model.addAttribute("msg", "把版本:" + workingVersion + " check out 到目录:" + wcDir + "中。");
- System.out.println("把版本:" + workingVersion + " check out 到目录:" + wcDir + "中。");
- return "msg";
- }
- <dependency>
- <groupId>log4j</groupId>
- <artifactId>log4j</artifactId>
- <version>1.2.7</version>
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.tmatesoft.svnkit</groupId>
- <artifactId>svnkit</artifactId>
- <version>1.8.2</version>
- </dependency>
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