

weaver, WHO uses loom to work

census: to count the population

tabulate: make into being table

hand-held device

self-explanatory for a novice user

现在我们用的计算机采用的是John von Neumann的方案,特点是把程序指令和数据存储在同一片内存空间。

内存(main memory,RAM)直接和CPU相连,所有的程序都必须装载入内存才能被执行。所有的数据也必须进内存才能被处理。

内存由顺序排列的memory cell组成,每个memory cell在内存中有唯一的地址。这个memory cell对于不同位数计算机,由不同长度的bit构成。?????


unicode用了2 bytes,Java采用Unicode,所以每一个字符由16个bit来表示。


java source code-->bytecode-->particular machine language-->run on the computer

bytecode is the machine language for JVM


Algorithm: A step-by-step problem-solving process in which a solution is arrived at in a finite amount of time.


structured programming/top-down design/bottom-up design/stepwise refinement/modular programming:把问题分解为子问题,每个子问题解决,然后把结果汇集,最后成为该问题的解答.

object-oriented programming

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  4. Coursera课程 Programming Languages 总结

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