1. Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
This course is created by Google Brain and is part of Machine Learning and Deep Learning specialization from Andrew Ng.
In this course, you will receive a broad introduction to TensforFlow learning for Artificial Intellegence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.
This course will give you a new set of tools to open previously unexplored scenarios to equip you from Basics to Mastery of TensorFlow.
Is it right for you?
This course is also part of Deep Learning Specialization and assumes no prior experience of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. However, intermediate level of knowledge in Python and basic understanding of maths is required.
Upon the completion of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of how neural networks work and will equipped to build and apply scalable models to solve real-world problems with TensorFlow.
2. TensorFlow: Getting Started
This course shows you how to install and use TensorFlow, and provided in-depth introduction to machine learning and deep learning for building artificial neural networks.
This course is Created by Jerry Kurata, Technology Expert and best selling author of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Courses on Pluralsight and Coursera.
In this, course, you’ll learn use TensorFlow and create a range of machine learning and deep learning models, from simple linear regression to complex deep neural networks.
Is it right for you?
This is one of the highly rated course on internet and suitable for learners who are just getting started with TensorFlow from the field ion.
Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be equipped to take an approach to effective problem solving and interacting with the results of your work with your peers.
3. Intro to TensorFlow
This course is created by Google Cloud Training Instructors to help you get familiar with low-level TensorFlow.
You will learn to work your way through the necessary concepts and APIs so as to be able to write Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models.
In this course, you’ll be provided with a TensorFlow model to scale out the training of that model and learn the key concepts for offering high-performance predictions using Cloud Machine Learning Engine.
Is it right for you?
There are no pre-requisites for taking this courses. However, prior experience programming and High-School level Mathematics will help you to get started.
Upon the completion of this course, you will be able well equipped to create machine learning models and Build Neural Network in TensorFlow.
4. Creative Applications of Deep Learning with TensorFlow
This course, Creative Applications of Deep Learning with TensorFlowintroduces learners to deep learning with the state-of-the-art approach to building artificial intelligence algorithms.
You will learn the basic components of deep learning, what it means, how it works, and develop code necessary to build various algorithms such as deep convolutional networks, variational auto-encoders, generative adversarial networks, and recurrent neural networks.
This course aims to help learners build the necessary components of certain algorithms and understand how to apply them for exploring creative applications.
Is it right for you?
This course is suitable for learners who have some programming experience with Python or MATLAB, Octave, C/C++, Java, or Processing.
Upon the completion of this course, you’ll be equipped to train a computer to recognize objects in an image and use this knowledge to drive new and interesting behaviors.
You will also learn to train your models to understand the similarities and differences in large datasets and using them to self-organize, to understanding how to infinitely generate entirely new content or match the aesthetics or contents of another image.
5. AI & Deep Learning with TensorFlow
This course, AI & Deep Learning in TensorFlow with Python Certification created by Edureka and taught by industry professionals.
This course provides an introduction to AI and helps learners explore neural networks, understand deep learning frameworks, implement various machine learning algorithms using Deep Networks.
You will also explore how different layers in neural networks do data abstraction and feature extraction using Deep Learning.
Is it right for you?
If you have some experience in Python and want to attend Instructor-led AI & Deep Learning with TensorFlow live online classes, then this course is perfect to start.
This course will provide a strong theoretical knowledge, and equip you to work on various real-life data projects using different neural network architectures as a part of solution strategy.
By the end of this course, you will have a deeper knowledge about the concepts such as SoftMax function, Auto-encoder Neural Networks, Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and work with libraries like Keras & TensorFlow Deep Learning Library.
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