Azure Storage types

Blob storage. Containers for data blobs. The three types of blobs are:

    1. Page blobs: Optimized for random access, 512-byte pages, Azure virtual machine disk files
    2. Block blobs: Optimized for sequential large access, variable-sized blocks, ideal for media and backups
    3. Append blobs: Optimized for append operations only, Ideal for logging

Table storage. Store for non-relational key/value entities(pairs) in rows, single clustered index

Queue storage. Temporary store for asynchronous exchange of messages(inter-application)

File storage. File sharing store through SMB 3.x and SMB 2.1

Controlling access to storage

Storage account access keys:

Primary and secondary
Automatically generated but can be recycled
Provide full access to a storage account

shared access signatures(SAS):

Granular (container or resource level)

Stored access policy:

Granular (container level)
You can easily revoke policy-linked SAS

Role-based access control:

Default roles
Custom roles

Specify an access level(blob storage only):

Public Blob
Public Container

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