id - display user identity

chmod -

umask -

【原】 The Linux Command Line - Permissions的更多相关文章

  1. 《The Linux Command Line》 读书笔记04 Linux用户以及权限相关命令

    Linux用户以及权限相关命令 查看身份 id:Display user identity. 这个命令的输出会显示uid,gid和用户所属的组. uid即user ID,这是账户创建时被赋予的. gi ...

  2. Linux Command Line Basics

    Most of this note comes from the Beginning the Linux Command Line, Second Edition by Sander van Vugt ...

  3. 10 Interesting Linux Command Line Tricks and Tips Worth Knowing

    I passionately enjoy working with commands as they offer more control over a Linux system than GUIs( ...

  4. [笔记]The Linux command line

    Notes on The Linux Command Line (by W. E. Shotts Jr.) edited by Gopher 感觉博客园是不是搞了什么CSS在里头--在博客园显示效果挺 ...

  5. 《The Linux Command Line》 读书笔记02 关于命令的命令

    <The Linux Command Line> 读书笔记02 关于命令的命令 命令的四种类型 type type—Indicate how a command name is inter ...

  6. 《The Linux Command Line》 读书笔记01 基本命令介绍

    <The Linux Command Line> 读书笔记01 基本命令介绍 1. What is the Shell? The Shell is a program that takes ...

  7. Linux Command Line 解析

    Linux Command Line 解析 0 处理模型 Linux kernel的启动包括很多组件的初始化和相关配置,这些配置参数一般是通过command line进行配置的.在进行后续分析之前,先 ...

  8. 15 Examples To Master Linux Command Line History

    When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major produ ...

  9. Reso | The Linux Command Line 的中文版 本书是 The Linux Command Line 的中文版, 为大家提供了多种不同的阅读方式. 中英文双语版- ...


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