八叉树(Octree)Typescript 实现
export class Octree { // 父&子树 private parent_node: any; private children_nodes: Octree[]; // 原点 private oringePosition: THREE.Vector3; private halfX: number; private halfY: number; private halfZ: number; // 树深度 public depth: number; // 内部实体 private entities: any[]; private _all_entities = new Array(); private _to_update: THREE.Mesh[]; // 叶子?叶节点 private _leaves: any; private _need_leaves_update: boolean; private _need_all_entities_update: boolean; private BoxGeo: THREE.Geometry; public BoxMesh: THREE.Mesh; entities_per_node = 1; max_depth = 5; constructor(parent: Octree, origin, halfwidth, halfheight, halfdepth) { this.oringePosition = origin; this.halfX = halfwidth; this.halfY = halfheight; this.halfZ = halfdepth; this.depth = parent === null ? 0 : parent.depth + 1; // 设置当前树内无实体 this.entities = new Array(); // 父子节点 this.parent_node = parent; this.children_nodes = new Array(); this._to_update = parent === null ? new Array() : parent._to_update; this._leaves = new Array(); this._leaves.push(this); this._need_leaves_update = false; this._need_all_entities_update = false; // 视觉感受 this.BoxGeo = new THREE.CubeGeometry(this.halfX * 2, this.halfY * 2, this.halfZ * 2); this.BoxMesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.BoxGeo, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x0, opacity: 1, wireframe: true})); this.BoxMesh.position.set(this.oringePosition.clone().x, this.oringePosition.clone().y, this.oringePosition.clone().z); if (parent !== null) { this.BoxMesh.position.sub(parent.oringePosition); parent.BoxMesh.add(this.BoxMesh); } } // 当实体位置改变 onEntityPoseChanged(entity) { if (this._to_update.indexOf(entity) === -1) { this._to_update.push(entity); } } // 判断交叉 intersects(entity) { return this.contains(entity.position); }; // 是否包含 contains(point) { let diff = new THREE.Vector3(); // subVectors方法用来将三维向量的(x,y,z)坐标值分别于参数(a,b)的(x,y,z)相减.并返回新的坐标值的三维向量. diff.subVectors(point, this.oringePosition); return Math.abs(diff.x) <= this.halfX && Math.abs(diff.y) <= this.halfY && Math.abs(diff.z) <= this.halfZ; }; // 子节点更新 needLeavesUpdate() { let iter = this; while (iter !== null) { iter._need_leaves_update = true; iter = iter.parent_node; } }; // 将实体从当前节点中删除,并将当前this指向根节点 remove(entity) { for (let i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++) { if (this.entities[i] === entity) { this.entities.splice(i, 1); break; } } // 删除过后将当前this指向根结点 let iter = this; while (iter !== null) { iter._need_all_entities_update = true; iter = iter.parent_node; } }; // 细分 subdivide() { /* _____________ / 4 / 5 / | y /_____ /______/ | | | / / / | | |___ x /_____ / _____/ |/ | / | 0 | 1 | |/7 / / |_____ |_____ |/ | / z | 2 | 3 | |/ |_____ |_____ |/ (lol) */ if (this.depth >= this.max_depth) { return; } this.needLeavesUpdate(); let qwidth = this.halfX / 2; let qheight = this.halfY / 2; let qdepth = this.halfZ / 2; this.children_nodes[0] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x - qwidth, this.oringePosition.y + qheight, this.oringePosition.z + qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); this.children_nodes[1] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x + qwidth, this.oringePosition.y + qheight, this.oringePosition.z + qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); this.children_nodes[2] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x - qwidth, this.oringePosition.y - qheight, this.oringePosition.z + qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); this.children_nodes[3] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x + qwidth, this.oringePosition.y - qheight, this.oringePosition.z + qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); this.children_nodes[4] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x - qwidth, this.oringePosition.y + qheight, this.oringePosition.z - qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); this.children_nodes[5] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x + qwidth, this.oringePosition.y + qheight, this.oringePosition.z - qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); this.children_nodes[6] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x - qwidth, this.oringePosition.y - qheight, this.oringePosition.z - qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); this.children_nodes[7] = new Octree(this, new THREE.Vector3(this.oringePosition.x + qwidth, this.oringePosition.y - qheight, this.oringePosition.z - qdepth), qwidth, qheight, qdepth); }; add(entity) { let _this = this; function addToThis() { let iter = _this; while (iter !== null) { iter._need_all_entities_update = true; iter = iter.parent_node; } _this.entities.push(entity); _this.BoxMesh.visible = true; } // 如果不包含=>返回 // 也就是说如果新增的Mesh 不在大Mesh中,不进行查找 if (!this.intersects(entity)) { return; } if (this.depth >= this.max_depth) { addToThis(); } else if (this.children_nodes.length === 0) { // ↑小于最大深度&没有子节点并且它里面没有实体的时候 // ↓每个节点中的数量小于规定要求 if (this.entities.length < this.entities_per_node) { addToThis(); } else { // 如果它里面有实体,则拆分 this.subdivide(); // 拆分过后,如果内部有实体,则从这个节点中删除,并重新对所有实体做add动作(通过this值的变化) if (this.entities.length !== 0) { let entities_tmp = this.entities.slice(); this.entities.length = 0; while (entities_tmp.length > 0) { let ent = entities_tmp.pop(); this.remove(ent); this.add(ent); } } // 然后再将这个节点添加到指定位置 this.add(entity); } } else { // ↑如果它当前有节点,已经分成八份 // check if the obb intersects multiple children let child_id = -1; let multiple_intersect = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.children_nodes.length; i++) { if (this.children_nodes[i].intersects(entity)) { if (child_id !== -1) { multiple_intersect = true; break; } child_id = i; } } // 把当前结点放入制定的位置中 if (multiple_intersect) { addToThis(); } else { // 放入0节点中 this.children_nodes[child_id].add(entity); } } } empty() { if (this.entities.length > 0) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < this.children_nodes.length; i++) { if (!this.children_nodes[i].empty()) { return false; } } return true; }; countChildrenIntersections(max, entity) { let children_idx = new Array(); for (let j = 0; j < this.children_nodes.length; j++) { if (this.children_nodes[j].intersects(entity)) { children_idx.push(j); } if (children_idx.length === max) { break; } } return children_idx; } // updates children entities reference updateChildrenEntities() { if (this._need_all_entities_update) { this._all_entities.length = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.children_nodes.length; i++) { this.children_nodes[i].updateChildrenEntities(); this._all_entities = this._all_entities.concat(this.children_nodes[i]._all_entities); } for (let i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++) { this._all_entities.push([this.entities[i], this]); } } } // updates leaves reference updateLeaves() { if (this._need_leaves_update) { this._leaves.length = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.children_nodes.length; i++) { this.children_nodes[i].updateLeaves(); this._leaves = this._leaves.concat(this.children_nodes[i]._leaves); } if (this.children_nodes.length === 0) { this._leaves.push(this); } this._need_leaves_update = false; } } update() { let _this = this; _this.updateChildrenEntities(); let entities_tmp = this._all_entities.slice(); entities_tmp.forEach(function (element) { let entity = element[0]; for (let i = 0; i < _this._to_update.length; i++) { if (entity === _this._to_update[i]) { let octree; let intersections; // check if multiple intersection with children // if yes do same recursively with parents till we can fit it entirely // in one node, and add it to this node octree = element[1]; while (octree !== null) { intersections = octree.countChildrenIntersections(2, entity); if (intersections.length === 1) { // don't perform any operation if no update is required if (element[1] === octree.children_nodes[intersections[0]]) { break; } element[1].remove(entity); octree.children_nodes[intersections[0]].add(entity); break; } else if (octree.parent_node === null && intersections.length > 0) { element[1].remove(entity); octree.add(entity); break; } else { octree = octree.parent_node; } } _this._to_update.splice(i, 1); break; } } }); // update _all_entities arrays _this.updateChildrenEntities(); // get rid of dead leaves _this.updateLeaves(); function pruneUp(node) { if (node._all_entities.length <= 1) { // remove the children from the leaves array and detach their mesh from parents let removeChildrenNodes = function (nodes) { for (let i = 0; i < nodes.children_nodes.length; i++) { removeChildrenNodes(nodes.children_nodes[i]); let idx = _this._leaves.indexOf(nodes.children_nodes[i]); if (idx !== -1) { _this._leaves.splice(idx, 1); } nodes.BoxMesh.remove(nodes.children_nodes[i].BoxMesh); } }; removeChildrenNodes(node); node.needLeavesUpdate(); node.children_nodes.length = 0; if (node._all_entities.length === 1 && (node._all_entities[0])[1] !== node) { // if the entity was in a one of the child, put it in current node node._all_entities[0][1] = node; // will update this ref for parents node too node.add(node._all_entities[0][0]); } if (node.parent_node !== null) { pruneUp(node.parent_node); } } } this._leaves.forEach(function (node) { pruneUp(node); }); }; }
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