


k mod i = k - [k / i] * i

所以 (k mod 1) + (k mod 2) + ... + (k mod n) = nk - sigma([k/i] * i) (1 <= i <= n)

[k/i] 至多有sqrt(k)个不同的值,利用这个性质,用等差数列进行计算即可


using namespace std;
typedef long long ll; ll n,k,x,gx,ans; int main() { scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&k);
ans = n * k;
for (x = ; x <= n; x = gx + )
gx = k / x ? min(k/(k/x),n) : n;
ans -= (k / x) * (x + gx) * (gx - x + ) / ;
printf("%lld\n",ans); return ; }

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