[Web Security] Create a hash salt password which can stored in DB
We cannot directly store user password in the database.
What need to do is creating a hashed & salted string which reperstanting the user password.
This password is not reverable. And very hard for hacker to guess what is the origial password by using Dictionary Attacks.
var crypto = require('crypto'); var password = "monkey"; // randomBytes: generate a salt pre user, salt should be stored with hashed password in the database
crypto.randomBytes(, function(err, salt) { // pbkdf2: combine the salt the hash password algorithm, to generate a safe password
crypto.pbkdf2(password, salt, , , 'sha256',
function(err, hash) { console.log("The result of hashing " + password + " is:\n\n" +
hash.toString('hex') + "\n\n"); }); });
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