To make our composition more readable and easier to name we are going to ceate a compose function we can use to avoid having to manually nest our transducer calls.

We'll also go over semantically naming your compose functions for extra readability.

Nested style:

import {doubleTheNumber, evenOnly} from "../utils";

const map = xf => reducer => {
return (accumulation, value) => {
return reducer(accumulation, xf(value));
}; const filter = predicate => reducer => {
return (accumulation, value) => {
if (predicate(value)) return reducer(accumulation, value);
return accumulation;
}; const isEvenFilter = filter(evenOnly);
const isNot2Filter = filter(val => val !== 2); const doubleMap = map(doubleTheNumber); const pushReducer = (accumulation, value) => {
return accumulation;
}; [1,2,3,4].reduce(isNot2Filter(isEvenFilter(doubleMap(pushReducer))), []);

Compose function:

import {filter, map, evenOnly, doubleTheNumber} from "../utils";

const doubleMap = map(doubleTheNumber);
const isEvenFilter = filter(evenOnly);
const isNot2Filter = filter(val => val !== 2);
const pushReducer = (accumulation, value) => {
return accumulation;
}; [1, 2, 3, 4].reduce(isNot2Filter(isEvenFilter(doubleMap(pushReducer))), []); // compose(f,g)(x) === f(g(x));
// compose(isNot2Filter, isEvenFilter, doubleMap)(pushReducer) ===
// isNot2Filter(isEvenFilter(doubleMap(pushReducer))); const compose = (...functions) =>
functions.reduce((accumulation, fn) =>
(...args) => accumulation(fn(...args)), x => x); [1, 2, 3, 4].reduce(
compose(isNot2Filter, isEvenFilter, doubleMap)(pushReducer),
); /*?*/

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