Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


What is love? Maybe no one can explain it clearly or give a precise definition.

It is a comprehensive set of feelings and experience.

Various sweet feelings entangles with each other to form what we called as love.

But there are always some specific moments that we can touch it, like receiving a sweet kiss, a movingly loving hug, and so on.

Try to create some sweet moments and create some surprises, that will add some flavours to our sterile daily life.

Learn as much by writing as by reading.


From Lord Acton.

Wow, it seems Lord Acton was a very famous figure in the history, for I have heard this name before.

After I searched the name on the wikipedia, I found the famous quotes as following were created by him:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Great men are always bad men, even when they exericise influence and not authority.

Ok, just set aside the great accomplishments of Lord Acton, let's talk about the theme of today's quote.

Sometimes I really wonder why some people can grow fast and well, whereas some may have no improvement in the same period.

Sooner or later, the latter will find their situation may be not good.

Even they are valued employee, their skills and contributions haven't accelerated over the years, when crunch time arrives, they may be out of job.

How to escape from such dangerous situation and how to avoid it?

Keep on learning new skills? Yes, definitely it is the answer.

But there are some people who have spent considerable time on learning new knowledge but finally find their skills are not improved as they have expected.

Maybe their learning methods are not efficient. They just read books, but they seldom use what they learned from books into their practices.

That is where the problem lies. Now we know just reading is far from enough, even you input the codes in the computer line by line and see the results, may bring some rewards, at least you know how to code a program.

No one was born to be a professional.

By continuous exercising, you also can grow up into a professional.

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