TDD学习笔记【四】--- 如何隔离相依性 - 基本的可测试性
- 根据 id,取得存在数据源中的密码(仅存放经过 hash 运算后的结果)。
- 根据传入的密码,进行 hash 运算。
- 比对数据源回传的密码,与输入密码经过哈希运算的结果,是否吻合。
using System; public class Validation
public bool CheckAuthentication(string id, string password)
// 取得数据库中,id对应的密码
AccountDao dao = new AccountDao();
var passwordByDao = dao.GetPassword(id);
// 针对传入的password,进行hash运算
Hash hash = new Hash();
var hashResult = hash.GetHashResult(password);
// 对比hash后的密码,与数据库中的密码是否吻合
return passwordByDao == hashResult;
} public class AccountDao
internal string GetPassword(string id)
throw new NotImplementedException();
} public class Hash
internal string GetHashResult(string passwordByDao)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public void CheckAuthenticationTest()
Validation target = new Validation(); // TODO: 初始化为适当值
string id = string.Empty; // TODO: 初始化为适当值
string password = string.Empty; // TODO:初始化为适当值
bool expected = false; // TODO: 初始化为适当值
bool actual;
actual = target.CheckAuthentication(id, password);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public interface IAccountDao
string GetPassword(string id);
} public interface IHash
string GetHashResult(string password);
} public class AccountDao : IAccountDao
public string GetPassword(string id)
throw new NotImplementedException();
} public class Hash : IHash
public string GetHashResult(string password)
throw new NotImplementedException();
} public class Validation
private IAccountDao _accountDao;
private IHash _hash; public Validation(IAccountDao dao, IHash hash)
this._accountDao = dao;
this._hash = hash;
} public bool CheckAuthentication(string id, string password)
// 取得数据库中,id对应的密码
var passwordByDao = this._accountDao.GetPassword(id);
// 针对传入的password,进行hash运算
var hashResult = this._hash.GetHashResult(password);
// 对比hash后的密码,与数据库中的密码是否吻合
return passwordByDao == hashResult;

原文可參考 Martin Fowler 的文章:Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern
As a result I think we need a more specific name for this pattern. Inversion of Control is too generic a term, and thus people find it confusing. As a result with a lot of discussion with various IoC advocates we settled on the name Dependency Injection.
public void CheckAuthenticationTest()
IAccountDao accountDao = null;// TODO: 初始化为合适的值
Hash hash = null;// TODO: 初始化为合适的值
Validation target = new Validation(accountDao, hash);
string id = string.Empty; // TODO: 初始化为合适的值
string password = string.Empty;//TODO: 初始化为合适的值
bool expected = false;// TODO: 初始化为合适的值
bool actual;
actual = target.CheckAuthentication(id, password);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public class StubAccountDao : IAccountDao
public string GetPassword(string id)
return "Hello World";
接着用同样的方式,让 StubHash 的 GetHashResult,也回传 "Hello World",代表 hash 后的结果。程序代码如下:
public class StubHash : IHash
public string GetHashResult(string password)
return "Hello World";
聪明的读者朋友们,应该知道接下来就是来写单元测试的 3A pattern,单元测试程序代码如下:
public void CheckAuthenticationTest()
// 初始化StubAccountDao,来当作IAccountDao的执行对象
IAccountDao dao = new StubAccountDao();
// 初始化StubHash,来当作IStubHash的执行对象
IHash hash = new StubHash();
Validation target = new Validation(dao, hash);
string id = "随便写";
string password = "随便写";
bool expected = true;
bool actual;
actual = target.CheckAuthentication(id, password);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

备注:这个系列是我毕业后时隔一年重新开始进入开发行业后对大拿们的博文摘要整理进行学习对自我的各个欠缺的方面进行充电记录博客的过程,非原创,特此感谢91 等前辈
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