hdu1 247 Hat’s Words(字典树)
Hat’s Words
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 16970 Accepted Submission(s):
concatenation of exactly two other words in the dictionary.
You are to find
all the hat’s words in a dictionary.
one per line, in alphabetical order. There will be no more than 50,000
Only one case.
line, in alphabetical order.
using namespace std; typedef struct node
int f;
struct node *nxt[];
}Trie; void insert(Trie *root, char *str)//字典树的更新操作
if (root == NULL || *str=='\0') return;
Trie *p = root;
while (*str != '\0')
if (p->nxt[*str - 'a'] == NULL)//当前结点为空,就在其下开26个空间
Trie *q= (Trie *)malloc(sizeof(Trie));//开辟内存空间
q->f = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
q->nxt[i] = NULL;
p->nxt[*str - 'a'] = q;
p = p->nxt[*str - 'a'];//使p指向新开辟的内存空间
else p = p->nxt[*str - 'a'];
str += ;
p->f = ;//在单词末尾标记
} int find(Trie *root, char *str)
Trie *p = root;
while (*str != '\0')
if (p->nxt[*str - 'a'] == NULL) return ;
p = p->nxt[*str - 'a'];
str += ;
return p->f;
} char cstr[][];
int main()
char c1[], c2[];
Trie *root = (Trie*)malloc(sizeof(Trie));//开辟根节点内存空间
root->f = ;
int i;
for (i = ; i < ; i++)
root->nxt[i] = NULL;
int cnt = ;
while (scanf("%s", cstr[cnt]) != EOF)
insert(root, cstr[cnt]);
memset(c1, '\0', sizeof(c1));//初始化c1,c2
memset(c2, '\0', sizeof(c2));
int j;
for (i = ; i < cnt; i++)
for (j = ; j < strlen(cstr[i]); j++)
strcpy(c1, cstr[i]);
c1[j] = '\0';//将cstr中0~j字符串复制的c1
strcpy(c2, cstr[i] + j);//将cstr中j~最后字符串复制到c2
if (find(root, c1) && find(root, c2))
printf("%s\n", cstr[i]);
return ;
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