页面加载完成事件(非刷新情况下,页面切换是不会重复触发此事件的,只在第一次进入页面时触发,需要重复触发的话请使用 $ionicView.enter 事件)

angular.module('app.controllers', [])
.controller('page6Ctrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$stateParams', '$ionicLoading',
// The following is the constructor function for this page's controller. See https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/controller
// You can include any angular dependencies as parameters for this function
// TIP: Access Route Parameters for your page via $stateParams.parameterName
function($scope, $http, $stateParams, $ionicLoading) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.loaded', function(event, data) {
$ionicLoading.show(); $http.get("js/123.json")
.success(function(res) {


$ionicView.loaded The view has loaded. This event only happens once per view being created and added to the DOM. If a view leaves but is cached, then this event will not fire again on a subsequent viewing. The loaded event is good place to put your setup code for the view; however, it is not the recommended event to listen to when a view becomes active.
$ionicView.enter The view has fully entered and is now the active view. This event will fire, whether it was the first load or a cached view.
$ionicView.leave The view has finished leaving and is no longer the active view. This event will fire, whether it is cached or destroyed.
$ionicView.beforeEnter The view is about to enter and become the active view.
$ionicView.beforeLeave The view is about to leave and no longer be the active view.
$ionicView.afterEnter The view has fully entered and is now the active view.
$ionicView.afterLeave The view has finished leaving and is no longer the active view.
$ionicView.unloaded The view's controller has been destroyed and its element has been removed from the DOM.
$ionicParentView.enter The parent view has fully entered and is now the active view. This event will fire, whether it was the first load or a cached view.
$ionicParentView.leave The parent view has finished leaving and is no longer the active view. This event will fire, whether it is cached or destroyed.
$ionicParentView.beforeEnter The parent view is about to enter and become the active view.
$ionicParentView.beforeLeave The parent view is about to leave and no longer be the active view.
$ionicParentView.afterEnter The parent view has fully entered and is now the active view.
$ionicParentView.afterLeave The parent view has finished leaving and is no longer the active view.



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