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<style media="screen">
background-color: red;
/* width: 300px;
height: 300px; */
} @keyframes animate1
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}
} @-moz-keyframes animate1 /* Firefox */
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}
} @-webkit-keyframes animate1 /* Safari 和 Chrome */
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}
} @-o-keyframes animate1 /* Opera */
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}
} .animate2 { animation: animate1 5s;
-moz-animation: animate1 5s; /* Firefox */
-webkit-animation: animate1 5s; /* Safari 和 Chrome */
-o-animation: animate1 5s; /* Opera */ } </style>
<div class="basic" id="div1">
hello world.
</div> <button type="button" name="button">点击应用动画</button> <script type="text/javascript">
const btn = document.getElementsByName('button')[0];
const div = document.getElementById("div1");
btn.addEventListener('click', ()=>{

1. 使用@keyframes定义一个动画效果。

 @keyframes animate1
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}
} @-moz-keyframes animate1 /* Firefox */
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}
} @-webkit-keyframes animate1 /* Safari 和 Chrome */
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}
} @-o-keyframes animate1 /* Opera */
0% {background: red;}
25% {background: yellow;}
50% {background: blue;}
100% {background: green;}


 .animate2 {

   animation: animate1 5s;
-moz-animation: animate1 5s; /* Firefox */
-webkit-animation: animate1 5s; /* Safari 和 Chrome */
-o-animation: animate1 5s; /* Opera */ }


const btn = document.getElementsByName('button')[0];
const div = document.getElementById("div1");
btn.addEventListener('click', ()=>{


css3 animation动画使用的更多相关文章

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  3. CSS3 animation动画

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  4. CSS3 animation 动画

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  5. css3 animation(动画)笔记

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  6. css3 animation 动画属性简介

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  7. css3 animation动画事件

    当使用css3时,会遇到利用@keyframes来定义动画事件,利用以下3个事件,能够捕捉当前元素的动画: AnimationEnd //动画结束时 AnimationStart  //动画開始 An ...

  8. CSS3 animation动画,循环间的延时执行时间

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  9. 关于css3 Animation动画

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