[Elixir005] 查看指定数据的详细信息 i helper
- #查看变量描述
- iex(1)> i {:test, "That sounds great"}
- Term
- {:test, "That sounds great"}
- Data type
- Tuple
- Reference modules
- Tuple
- #查看Module描述(有点类似于Erlang的lists:module_info)
- iex(2)> i List
- Term
- List
- Data type
- Atom
- Module bytecode
- usr/local/Cellar/elixir/1.2.0/bin/../lib/elixir/ebin/Elixir.List.beam
- Source
- private/tmp/elixir20160101-48495-1fg1arr/elixir-1.2.0/lib/elixir/lib/list.ex
- Version
- [322093417650371381585336045669056703278]
- Compile time
- 2016-1-1 11:57:45
- Compile options
- [:debug_info]
- Description
- Use h(List) to access its documentation.
- Call List.module_info() to access metadata.
- Raw representation
- :"Elixir.List"
- Reference modules
- Module, Atom
- @doc """
- Prints information about the given data type.
- """
- def i(term) do
- info = ["Term": inspect(term)] ++ IEx.Info.info(term)
- for {subject, info} <- info do
- info = info |> to_string() |> String.strip() |> String.replace("\n", "\n ")
- IO.puts IEx.color(:eval_result, to_string(subject))
- IO.puts IEx.color(:eval_info, " #{info}")
- end
- dont_display_result
- end
- defprotocol IEx.Info do
- @fallback_to_any true
- @spec info(term) :: [{atom, String.t}]
- def info(term)
- end
- defimpl IEx.Info, for: Tuple do
- def info(_tuple) do
- ["Data type": "Tuple",
- "Reference modules": "Tuple"]
- end
- end
它是一个protocol,在这个文件中把elixir的基本类型都实现了一次,它会返回一个keyword list, 所以我们才能看到,那么如果我们试试自己定义?
- iex(3)> defmodule User do
- …(3)> defstruct name: "John", age: 25
- …(3)> @type t :: %User{name: String.t, age: non_neg_integer}
- …(3)> end
因为在info.ex中已处理struct的类型, 如果我们现在直接i的结果它是
- iex(4)> i %User{}
- Term
- %User{age: 25, name: "John"}
- Data type
- User
- Description
- This is a struct. Structs are maps with a __struct__ key.
- Reference modules
- User, Map
接下来, 我们来自定义看看
- iex(5)> defimpl IEx.Info, for: User do
- …(5)> def info(item) do
- …(5)> ["Data type": User, "Description": "The customer is god, pleasure they", "Reference": "blablabla..."]
- …(5)> end
- …(5)> end
- iex(6)> i %User{}
- Term
- %User{age: 25, name: "John"}
- Data type
- Elixir.User
- Description
- The customer is god, pleasure they
- Reference
- blablabla...
官方文档: http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/iex/IEx.Helpers.html#i/1
- IEx.dont_display_result
在 evaluator.ex 里面:
- unless result == IEx.dont_display_result, do: io_inspect(result)
if my fingers were erlang processes
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