Test item:

1.Output power:


The radio circuitry, generally referred to as the Device Under Test (DUT) and the spectrum analyzer are connected with a coaxial or COAX cable. The spectrum analyzer must cover the frequency range you want to measure. The frequency range depends on the operation frequency of the radio you want to measure.

• Center frequency: Equal to the RF frequency configured in the DUT.

中心频率一般与TX模块谐振频率决定,如433.92M,820Mhz,920MhZ,2.4G 等

• Frequency span: 1-10 MHz (depending on the DUT).


• Amplitude: Must be set higher than the maximum output power of the DUT.


• Resolution Bandwidth (RBW): 30kHz- 300kHz depending on the frequency span used. Generally,


it is best to set the spectrum analyzer RBW to auto so that it follows the span.



1 射频产品要等常温冷却后测量。

Rf products should be measured at room temperature before test。

2 同轴线不能出现开裂,折断等不良。

高于2.4G 选用 SMA COAX



The shielding room is not allowed to bring in the RF products,forbited to open the door and Windows.

4 必须针对一批样品进行10X10测量,以获取足够数据,用于确定最低-最高功率范围。

确定一个 “Strong enough power”

A «strong enough» signal is not easy to define precisely. This is because it depends on a lot of factors, such as the distance of measurement, the antenna on the spectrum analyser, the angle of the antenna on the spectrum analyser, the angle of the control unit’s antenna related to the other antenna, the room/shielded space the measurement is performed in, etc.

We suggest that you make a reference measurement in your test setup with a control unit with radio that you know works ok, and then use this reference (measured in dBm) as the standard that the measured radio signal must match to pass the test. To know that your reference card is ok, you can e.g. test radio communication with this over a certain distance。



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