# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import json
import subprocess
import os
import time
import random trunk_start, trunk_end = 51, 128
can_used_trunks = set(range(trunk_start, trunk_end))
_cache_available_switch_trunks = {}
resource_class = {}
hp_info = {
"vcpus": "",
"memory_mb": "",
"local_gb": "",
"vendor": "HP"
resource_class['hp'] = hp_info
dell256_info = {
"vcpus": "",
"memory_mb": "",
"local_gb": "",
"vendor": "Dell Inc."
resource_class['dell256'] = dell256_info
dell512_info = {
"vcpus": "",
"memory_mb": "",
"local_gb": "",
"vendor": "Dell Inc."
resource_class['dell512'] = dell512_info
hw_info = {
"vcpus": "",
"memory_mb": "",
"local_gb": "",
"vendor": ""
resource_class['huawei'] = hw_info def shell(cmd):
sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = sp.communicate()
return out, err def get_node_info(node):
uuid = node.get("UUID")
cmd = "openstack baremetal node show %s -f json" % uuid
out, err = shell(cmd)
return json.loads(out) def doinspect(node):
uuid = node.get("UUID")
cmd = "openstack baremetal node inspect %s " % uuid
os.system('echo %s >>inspect_log' % cmd)
time.sleep(10) def port_group_node(kwargs):
node_uuid = kwargs['UUID']
# kwargs['node_uuid'] = node_uuid
### The bond_mode here is fixed as 'balance-rr'
kwargs.setdefault('bond_mode', 'balance-rr')
ports = kwargs.get('ports', None)
# if not ports:
# print "the node_info hava no ports, please check"
# return
switch_ids = set()
for port in ports:
switch_id = port['Local Link Connection']['switch_id']
port['switch_id'] = switch_id
index = 0
for switch_id in switch_ids:
eth_truck = _cache_available_switch_trunks[switch_id].pop()
kwargs['eth_trunk'] = eth_truck
kwargs['group_name'] = "pg_%s_%s" % (kwargs['Name'], index)
index += 1
cmd = ("openstack --os-baremetal-api-version 1.26 baremetal port group create "
"--node %(UUID)s --name %(group_name)s "
"--mode %(bond_mode)s --property miimon=100 --property Eth-Trunk=%(eth_trunk)s "
"--support-standalone-ports -f json" % kwargs)
out, err = shell(cmd)
group = json.loads(out)
if not group:
group_uuid = group['uuid']
print('node:%s group:%s' % (node_uuid, group_uuid))
for port in ports:
if port['switch_id'] == switch_id:
cmd = "openstack --os-baremetal-api-version 1.26 baremetal port set %s --port-group %s" % (
port['UUID'], group_uuid)
out, err = shell(cmd)
print(err) def get_available_trunk(used_trunks):
for switch_id, used_tunks in used_trunks.items():
swich_availe_trunks = _cache_available_switch_trunks.get(switch_id, None)
if swich_availe_trunks is None:
swich_availe_trunks = (can_used_trunks - set(used_tunks))
_cache_available_switch_trunks[switch_id] = swich_availe_trunks def check_resource_class(node_info):
name = node_info.get('Name')
node_res_info = {
"vcpus": node_info['Properties'].get('cpus', ""),
"memory_mb": node_info['Properties'].get('memory_mb', ""),
"local_gb": node_info['Properties'].get('local_gb', ""),
"vendor": node_info['Extra'].get('system_vendor', {}).get('manufacturer', "")
current_resource_class = node_info['Resource Class']
for i in resource_class:
if cmp(resource_class[i], node_res_info) == 0:
if i == current_resource_class:
os.system('echo "%s resource class ok" >> res_check' % name)
cmd = ("ironic node-update %s replace resource_class=%s" % (name, i))
os.system('echo %s >> res_check' % cmd)
writelog = "%s invaild properties %s" % (name, node_res_info)
os.system('echo %s >> res_check' % writelog) def domanage(nodes):
for node in nodes:
name = node.get("Name")
cmd = "openstack baremetal node manage %s" % name
os.system('echo %s >> exec_log' % cmd) def getports():
cmd = 'openstack baremetal port list --long -f json'
out, err = shell(cmd)
return json.loads(out) def getportgroups():
cmd = 'openstack baremetal port group list --long -f json'
out, err = shell(cmd)
return json.loads(out) def add_port(nodes_dict, ports):
for port in ports:
node_uuid = port["Node UUID"]
node = nodes_dict.get(node_uuid, None)
if node:
node["ports"].append(port) def add_portgroup(nodes_dict, ports_info, portgroups_info, switch_infos=None):
for port in ports_info:
node_uuid = port["Node UUID"]
group_uuid = port['Portgroup UUID']
if not group_uuid:
node = nodes_dict.get(node_uuid, None)
if node:
node_portgroups = node['portgroups']
node_portgroups.setdefault(group_uuid, {})
node_portgroup = node_portgroups[group_uuid]
node_portgroup.setdefault('ports', [])
switch_id = port['Local Link Connection']['switch_id']
default_switch_id = node_portgroup.setdefault('switch_id', switch_id)
if switch_id != default_switch_id:
print('ERROR::::portgroup %s switch_id(%s %s)' % (group_uuid, switch_id, default_switch_id))
for portgroup in portgroups_info:
node_uuid = portgroup['Node UUID']
group_uuid = portgroup['UUID']
node = nodes_dict.get(node_uuid, None)
if node:
node_portgroups = node["portgroups"]
node_portgroup = node_portgroups[group_uuid]
switch_id = node_portgroup['switch_id']
eth_trunk = portgroup['Properties']['Eth-Trunk']
node_portgroup['eth_trunk'] = eth_trunk
if isinstance(switch_infos, dict):
switch_infos.setdefault(switch_id, {})
switch_infos[switch_id][group_uuid] = eth_trunk def portgroup_list_to_dict(portgroups):
portgroup_dict = {}
for portgroup in portgroups:
group_uuid = portgroup['UUID']
portgroup_dict[group_uuid] = portgroup
return portgroup_dict def get_used_trunk(ports, portgroups):
portgroup_dict = portgroup_list_to_dict(portgroups)
switch_trunks_used = {}
for port in ports:
switch_id = port['Local Link Connection']['switch_id']
switch_info = switch_trunks_used.setdefault(switch_id, {})
group_uuid = port['Portgroup UUID']
if not group_uuid:
switch_info[group_uuid] = portgroup_dict[group_uuid]['Properties']['Eth-Trunk']
ret = {}
for switch_id, trunks in switch_trunks_used.items():
ret[switch_id] = sorted(trunks.values())
return ret def node_list_to_dict(nodes):
nodes_dict = {}
for node in nodes:
if node["Provisioning State"] not in ["enroll"]:
node_uuid = node["UUID"]
node["ports"] = []
node["portgroups"] = {}
nodes_dict[node_uuid] = node
return nodes_dict def doprovide(nodes):
switch_infos = {}
ports_info = getports()
portgroups_info = getportgroups()
nodes_dict = node_list_to_dict(nodes)
add_port(nodes_dict, ports_info)
add_portgroup(nodes_dict, ports_info, portgroups_info, switch_infos)
used_trunks = get_used_trunk(ports_info, portgroups_info)
print _cache_available_switch_trunks
node_need_provide = []
for uuid, node in nodes_dict.items():
properties = node['Properties']
if properties:
# check resource class
# check node port
node_ports = node["ports"]
node_portgroups = node['portgroups']
if len(node_ports) ==2:
if not node_portgroups or len(node_portgroups.keys()) < 1:
output = 'echo "%s %s port num:%s" >>ports_wrong'
os.system(output % (name, state, len(node_ports)))
for node in node_need_provide:
cmd='openstack baremetal node provide %s' % node
out, err = shell(cmd)
if err:
print err def get_nodes():
cmd = "openstack baremetal node list --long -f json"
out, err = shell(cmd)
return json.loads(out) def dowithstatus(nodes):
enro_list = []
manage_list = []
for node in nodes:
name = node.get("Name")
stat = node.get("Provisioning State")
if stat == 'enroll':
elif stat == 'manageable':
elif stat == 'inspect failed':
os.system("echo 'error! node %s status :inspect failed' >> node_faild " % name)
elif stat == 'error':
os.system("echo 'error! node %s status : error' >> node_faild " % name)
allnodes = {"enroll": enro_list, "manageable": manage_list}
allfuncs = {'enroll': domanage, 'manageable': doprovide}
for key in ("enroll", "manageable"):
nodes = allnodes.get(key)
func = allfuncs.get(key)
if nodes:
func(nodes) if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
nodes_info = get_nodes()


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