


 1  public class AppIndex:BasePage
 2     {
 3         public void DoGet()
 4         {
 5             List<test11> list_test = new List<test11>();
 6             list_test.Add(new test11() { 
 7             m=1,
 8             v="one"
 9             });
10             list_test.Add(new test11()
11             {
12                 m = 2,
13                 v = "two"
14             });
15             list_test.Add(new test11()
16             {
17                 m = 3,
18                 v = "three"
19             });
20             list_test.Add(new test11()
21             {
22                 m = 4,
23                 v = "fornt"
24             });
25              list_test.Add(new test11()
26             {
27                 m = 4,
28                 v = "fornt"
29             });
30               list_test.Add(new test11()
31             {
32                 m = 3,
33                 v = "fornt"
34             });
35               var ss = list_test.Distinct(new Comparint());//这里调用
36             this.Add("mylist",new Travel.DAL.AppActive().GetList(BaseCode));
37         }
38            }
40    public class test11
41    {
42        public int m { get; set; }
43        public string v { get; set; }
44    }
45    public class Comparint : IEqualityComparer<test11>
46    {
48        public bool Equals(test11 x, test11 y)
49        {
50            if (x == null && y == null)
51                return false;
52            return x.m==y.m;
53        }
55        public int GetHashCode(test11 obj) {
56            return obj.ToString().GetHashCode();
57        }
58    }

同样table 也可以用这个方法。只要一步ASEnumerable()即可

            var _comPresult = _dt.AsEnumerable().Distinct(new DataTableRowCompare());
            DataTable _resultDt = _comPresult.CopyToDataTable();
               x =>
                   Console.WriteLine(x["id"].ToString() + "    " + x["name"].ToString() + "   " + x["address"].ToString());
public class DataTableRowCompare : IEqualityComparer<DataRow>
        #region IEqualityComparer<DataRow> 成员
        public bool Equals(DataRow x, DataRow y)
            return (x.Field<int>("id") == y.Field<int>("id")); 这个是根据自己的需求写比较字段的
        public int GetHashCode(DataRow obj)
            return obj.ToString().GetHashCode();


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