直接命令:service firewalld stop

1. Disable Firewalld Service.

[root@rhel-centos7-tejas-barot-linux ~]# systemctl mask firewalld  

2. Stop Firewalld Service.

[root@rhel-centos7-tejas-barot-linux ~]# systemctl stop firewalld  

3. Install iptables service related packages. Linux学习,http:// linux.it.net.cn

[root@rhel-centos7-tejas-barot-linux ~]# yum -y install iptables-services Linux学习,http:// linux.it.net.cn 

4. Make sure service starts at boot:

[root@rhel-centos7-tejas-barot-linux ~]# systemctl enable iptables  

# If you do not want ip6tables, You can skip following command. Linux学习,http:// linux.it.net.cn

[root@rhel-centos7-tejas-barot-linux ~]# systemctl enable ip6tables Linux学习,http:// linux.it.net.cn 

5. Now, Finally Let’s start the iptables services.

[root@rhel-centos7-tejas-barot-linux ~]# systemctl start iptables  

# If you do not want ip6tables, You can skip following command.

[root@rhel-centos7-tejas-barot-linux ~]# systemctl start ip6tables  

Firewalld Service is now disabled and stop, You can use iptables.



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