bootstrap switch功能
bootstrap switch是一个按钮开关,点击时获取其状态可通过以下代码:
<input id="email_switch_state" type="checkbox">
$('#email_switch_state').on({ 'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch': function(event, state) { if (state == true) { $('#text').html('OK'); } else { $('#text').html('NO'); } } });
Additional Methods
Name | Description |
toggleState | Toggle the switch state |
toggleAnimate | Toggle the animate option |
toggleDisabled | Toggle the disabled state |
toggleReadonly | Toggle the readonly state |
toggleIndeterminate | Toggle the indeterminate state |
toggleInverse | Toggle the inverse option |
destroy | Destroy the instance of Bootstrap Switch |
Name | Attribute | Type | Description | Values | Default |
state | checked | Boolean | The checkbox state | true, false | true |
size | data-size | String | The checkbox size | null, 'mini', 'small', 'normal', 'large' | null |
animate | data-animate | Boolean | Animate the switch | true, false | true |
disabled | disabled | Boolean | Disable state | true, false | false |
readonly | readonly | Boolean | Readonly state | true, false | false |
indeterminate | data-indeterminate | Boolean | Indeterminate state | true, false | false |
inverse | data-inverse | Boolean | Inverse switch direction | true, false | false |
radioAllOff | data-radio-all-off | Boolean | Allow this radio button to be unchecked by the user | true, false | false |
onColor | data-on-color | String | Color of the left side of the switch | 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' | 'primary' |
offColor | data-off-color | String | Color of the right side of the switch | 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' | 'default' |
onText | data-on-text | String | Text of the left side of the switch | String | 'ON' |
offText | data-off-text | String | Text of the right side of the switch | String | 'OFF' |
labelText | data-label-text | String | Text of the center handle of the switch | String | ' ' |
handleWidth | data-handle-width | String | Number | Width of the left and right sides in pixels | 'auto' or Number | 'auto' |
labelWidth | data-label-width | String | Number | Width of the center handle in pixels | 'auto' or Number | 'auto' |
baseClass | data-base-class | String | Global class prefix | String | 'bootstrap-switch' |
wrapperClass | data-wrapper-class | String | Array | Container element class(es) | String | Array | 'wrapper' |
onInit | Function | Callback function to execute on initialization | Function |
onSwitchChange | Function | Callback function to execute on switch state change | Function |
$.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults.size = 'large'; $.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults.onColor = 'success';$('#toggle-state-switch').bootstrapSwitch('state');
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