Pointers to classes (From the note of my firend)
Pointers to classes
Objects can also be pointed to by pointers: Once declared, a class becomes a valid type, so it can be used as the type pointed to by a pointer. For example:
is a pointer to an object of class Rectangle
Similarly as with plain data structures, the members of an object can be accessed directly from a pointer by using the arrow operator (->
). Here is an example with some possible combinations:
This example makes use of several operators to operate on objects and pointers (operators
, &
, .
, ->
, []
). They can be interpreted as:
expression | can be read as |
*x |
pointed to by x |
&x |
address of x |
x.y |
member y of object x |
x->y |
member y of object pointed to by x |
(*x).y |
member y of object pointed to by x (equivalent to the previous one) |
x[0] |
first object pointed to by x |
x[1] |
second object pointed to by x |
x[n] |
(n+1 )th object pointed to by x |
Most of these expressions have been introduced in earlier chapters. Most notably, the chapter about arrays introduced the offset operator ([]
) and the chapter about plain data structures introduced the arrow operator (->
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